Romantic Dinner

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So far Jimin and Kookie have been in the cottage for 3 days. They've been enjoying the peace and quiet. They mostly spend the day cuddling and talking. During the night, it's a whole different story. They sing their hearts out and dance until their feet begin to hurt. These days in the cottage have been full of so much love and fun for the couple. Their absolutely happy since they get to enjoy each others presence without any interruptions.

(I wanna try something real quick)
Kookie: Hey hyung~?
Jimin: Yes my sweet baby~?
K: Umm... I've noticed that the past few days you've been... nervous what's wrong? Did I do something wrong? Did I upset you? I'm sorry... I didn't mean too! I do things without noticing an-
Jimin: Shh~ you did nothing baby... I've just been thinking of something lately that's all.

Kookie nodded and nuzzled into his chest making Jimins heart flutter. He still hasn't gotten used to this and can't believe this is all real. He kissed the youngers head and stroked his hair with a loving smile. He adored the younger so much he couldn't believe how lucky he was.

Kookie smiled to himself knowing the effect he had on the older. Jimin looked at him and said, "What are you thinking about Kook~?" The said male looked up at the older and said, "Oh nothing~... I was just thinking about our future together..." Jimin smiled at the bunny like male and said, "What about our past? We've been through so much and done so much~!" The younger blushed lightly as he recalled all of the amazing things that have happened in the last few months. Boy do the months go by fast when you're in love right?

Jimin picked up the younger bridal style and carried him outside. Kookie smiled and wrapped his arms around Jimins neck. He is used to being picked up by the older.

Jimin headed outside where there was a row of rose pedals heading to the center of the backyard the cottage had. In the center was a table with candles, wine and food. Kookie gasped as Jimin set him down and walked to the center.

Kookie followed with tears in his eyes not believing Jimin did this for him. "Hyung? You did this for me? You're the best hyungie ever," said Kookie while crying. Jimin hugged him tightly while wiping away his tears as he said, "Yes I did... now don't cry~! An angel as beautiful as you should never ever cry~." Jimins sweet words made Kookie cry even more.

Jimin smiled at him then lead him to the table. Kookie followed still crying over filled with joy and love. Jimin sat him down then pushed his chair in. Kookie thanked him and Jimin went to his own spot.

That night was full of love and chatter. They spoke, ate and drank until they got tired. Once they got tired they laid down on a blanket Jimin had set down earlier. They cuddled close and stared into each others eyes. Smiling. Not a care in the world. As if it was only them. As if they were communicating with their eyes. They leaned in closer closing the small gap between them.

They shared a passionate kiss and they couldn't be anymore happier. They've shared many kisses before but every single time they feel butterflies in their stomachs. As if it's their first kiss again.

They don't even have to talk because they always know what the other wants. In this case Kookie moved around a bit making his neck more available to Jimin. Jimin smiled as a thank you because he was getting thirsty for blood.

Jimin sank his fangs into the youngers neck. He sucked a bit of his blood because he didn't want to hurt Kookie. Once he heard the younger whimper softly he moved away.

Whenever Jimin would suck his blood for a little too long and it would begin to hurt he would whimper. Jimin knew that whenever he heard him do that he had gone just a bit too far.

Jimin pouted and said, "I'm sorry Kookie~!! I didn't mean to do that you know that..." Kookie smiled as he replied, "I know~ you always say the same thing~. I've practically memorized it~!" Jimin smiled awkwardly making Kookie giggle.

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