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First thing I did when I woke up. My mind was like, "JIKOOK BOOK!! GOTTA KEEP WORKING!!" So yeee hai again XD

Today is the day they return to Seoul. They didn't want to leave but Jimin had work the next day. They walked out of the hotel, hand in hand with their luggage. They decided to stop by the cafe Mari and Adrien worked at to say goodbye.

They walked in and were greeted with smiled from the two. Jungkook pouted and said, "We came to say goodbye. Our plane to Seoul leaves in two hours." Mari frowned and Adrien sighed. Adrien suddenly smiled as he wrote down their numbers and gave them to Jimin.

Jimin smiled and said, "As soon as we get home we'll call." Marinette squealed feeling happy that she can keep in touch with Jungkook. Marinette whispered to Jungkook, "Call me~! We can gossip about our husbands!" Jungkook nodded as he smiled and looked at Jimin. Jimin and Jungkook hugged the pair and left.

Jimin pouted and said, "What did she tell you?" Jungkook giggled and stayed quiet. Jimin pouted more and as they arrived at the airport he stopped walking. Jungkook looked at him confused and asked, "Hyung~? The plane is going to leave soon! Why did you stop walking?"

Jimin glared at him and said, "You're hiding something~! Park Jungkook!!! Tell me or I'll stay here." Jungkook giggled and said, "We agreed to gossip about our husbands~." Jimin gasped and said, "How dare you?! You betrayed me~!"

Jungkook smiled and skipped into the airport. Jimin ran after him and said, "Yah!! You brat wait for me!!" Jungkook stopped walking and pulled out his phone. Jimin wrapped an arm around Jungkook and they sat down to wait.

Jimin got bored of waiting because Jungkook was on his phone. He was talking with Mari, telling her about what had happened earlier. Jimin kissed Jungkooks neck trying to get his attention. Jungkook giggled and said, "Well bye bye Mari~! Jiminie is bored so I have go entertain the whiny husband~."

Jungkook hung up and Jimin immediately showered him with kisses. Jungkook giggled as Jimin said, "I love you~!!!" Jungkook pushed him off and replied, "I love you too~." Jimin smiled widely as he sat down patiently.

Jungkook laid his head on Jimins shoulder and said, "Jiminie? Can I tell you something?" Jimin nodded and played with Jungkooks hair. Jungkook blushed a bit then sighed. Jimin held his hands and said, "What's wrong baby? It can't be that bad! ...right?"

Jungkook looked at him with tears in his eyes. Jimins eyes widened as he said softly, "You can tell me on the plane, okay? Once you're more comfortable!" Jungkook nodded and hugged Jimin to hide his face. Jimin smiled and sang to him softly.

Once they were in the plane, Jungkook burst out into tears. Jimin pouted as he stroked the youngers hair. Jungkook cried even more and clung onto Jimin. He sniffled as Jimin rubbed his back. His touch was gentle because he didn't want to scare the younger away.

Jungkook called down after a bit and whimpered a bit. Jimin pressed light kisses onto him. Jungkook looked down and mumbled something. Jimin looked at him and said, "Speak up baby~." Jungkook pouted and slowly looked up.

Jungkook whispered, "P..promise me you won't g..get mad." Jimin nodded and intertwined their pinkies. Jungkook smiled a bit, feeling a little better. Jimin kissed him and said, "Why don't you take a nap and tell me later?"

Jungkook nodded as Jimin took him to the bed. Jimin set him down and gave him a Chimmy. Jungkook smiled at him sweetly before falling asleep. Jimin looked out the window and saw the Eiffel Tower. Jimin pouted, wondering what Jungkook could possibly tell him. It couldn't be that bad... right?

Jimin sat down beside the younger and stroked his hair. Jimin smiled softly at the fond memory of his mother. She would always stroke his hair when he slept. She sang him to sleep and sometimes hugged him to sleep.

Jimin smiled a bit as he hugged the younger and began to sing. Jungkook pouted in his sleep making Jimin smile. Jimin whispered, "I know you're asleep but... I love you. I really do, Jungkookie~. The sweet baby that made me happier than anyone else."

Jimin keep telling Jungkook sweet things. He only stopped once they arrived home, which was after a few hours. Yes, Jimin spoke about how much he adored the younger for hours. Jimin just really loved him and could speak for hours about him.

Meanwhile, Jungkook slept not realizing they had arrived. Jimin picked him up and carried him to get their luggage. Jungkook heard people talking so he whined a bit. Jimin smiled as he got their luggage and began to walk. Once they were in a taxi Jimin woke him up.

Jungkook opened his eyes and rubbed them a bit. Jimin whispered, "Hey sleepy head~. We're on our way home now." Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jimin and nuzzled into his chest. Jimin smiled, realizing Jungkook wanted to continue sleeping.

Jungkook whined when he felt Jimin shaking him gently. Jungkook opened his eyes yet again and glared at Jimin. The said male just smiled at him and showered Jungkook with kisses. Jungkook smiled as he felt the taxi stop. Jimin paid the driver as they got out with their luggage.

Jimin held the youngers hand as they headed inside. Jungkook spun around and said, "Home sweet home~!!" Jimin smiled at him and said, "How very cute~!" Someone rang the doorbell and they both ran to open the door. Taehyung and Yoongi hugged them tightly once the door swung open.

Taehyung said, "Welcome back~!! How was the honeymoon?" Jungkook blushed and hid his face in Jimins chest. Yoongi held Taehyungs hand and said, "Yeah~!! How did it go? What did you see?" Jimin smiled as he looked at the younger, "We went to the Eiffel Tower and visited the Louvre!! It was even better at night."

Yoongi nodded and said, "Did you enjoy it?" Jungkook nodded excitedly as he said, "I made so many friends!! I met a pigeon, a doggie, a cat and two people from a bakery! Adrien and Marinette were so nice!! They disappeared many times and seemed nervous..."

Jimin nodded and added, "They would reappear in the most random places. They even had the strangest excuses." Taehyung looked at Yoongi, who shrugged. Jimin held Jungkook close to him and said, "The evening's really nice there!"

Jungkook sighed sadly as he nodded. He was going to miss Paris especially the friends he made there. Jungkook gasped as he remembered about what he had to tell Jimin. "Umm... Tae and Yoongi? I need you to leave I have to... tell Jimin something," said Jungkook as he stared at the floor.

Tae hugged the younger tightly as they left. Jimin closed the door then held Jungkooks hand. Jungkook blushed as he felt Jimin taking him to the living room. They sat down and Jungkook bit his lip nervously. Jimin put his hand onto of Jungkooks and said, "Don't worry. Take your time Jungkookie~."

Jungkook nodded as he slowly began, "I... I went to the while you were at work... and he said something to me." Jimin looked at him confused and asked, "Why did you go alone? You could have waited for me so we could go together."

Jungkook pouted and whispered, "I didn't want you to know yet." Jimin looked at him then thought about what he could possible mean. Jungkook smiled and continued, "I think... that the news will make you... happy? No! You'll be filled with joy!"

Sorry about the late update! I was working on the Olympus book.
What do you guys think Jungkook will say?
Bye my lovelies~!
I love you!

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