Date Night~

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Jimin was in shower singing, "My heart's on fire for your love~!!" Jungkook woke up and heard him. This put a smile on his face and he got up. He got up and walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth. Jimin smelled his scent and said, "Morning Kookie~."

Jungkook froze and said, "How did you know I came in?" Jimin hummed a bit and replied, "I have my ways baby~." Jungkook blushed and brushed his teeth. Jimin stepped out then wrapped a towel around his waist. Jungkook felt Jimin hug him, this made him smile.

Jimin looked in the mirror and saw Jungkooks cheeks become a light pink. Jimin smiled and said, "How cute~! You're blushing~." Jungkook finished brushing his teeth then smacked Jimins arm. Jimin pouted and let go of him. Almost immediately Jungkook ran out of the bathroom.

Jimin chuckled as he followed him. He walked into the bedroom then wore his normal attire. Jungkook was wearing Jimins hoodie and staring at himself in the mirror. Jimin hugged him from behind and said, "You look so cute with your baby bump~."

Jungkook smiled a bit before staring at his eyes with a pout. Jimin sighed and turned him around. Jungkook looked up at him and asked, "What?" Jimin pulled him close and replied, "You're perfect the way you are Kookie~."

Jungkook looked down at his arms and said, "Even with these scars?" Jimin nodded, a smile on his face. Jungkook smiled back as Jimin placed caressed his cheek. Jungkook leaned into his soft, feather like touch. Jimin said, "Let's go make ourselves some breakfast."

Jungkook nodded as he said, "But quickly! We have to go to the cafe!!" Jimin pouted and replied, "Fine~ I can still get my kisses at work right~?" Jimin gave him puppy eyes and Jungkook laughed a bit as he nodded. Jimin did a small celebration dance.

Jungkook skipped down the stairs and ran into the kitchen. Jimin ran after him, thinking about what to make. Jungkook was one step ahead of him because he had already began looking for ingredients to make pancakes. Jimin smiled as he had Jungkook hand him the ingredients.

They made the pancake mix and make pancakes. Jungkook smirked as he got a handful of flour and tossed it at Jimin. The said male glared at Jungkook before throwing some back. Jungkook giggled as he threw more.

Jimin turned off the stove and they started a fight. Jungkook grabbed an egg and threw it at Jimin. Jungkook giggled when Jimin threw one at him. After a few minutes they were covered in eggs, flour, sugar and so many more things.

Jimin pouted and said, "Jungkookie! We have to leave for work in... 20 minutes!! Off to the shower~. Come on." Jungkook giggled as he skipped upstairs. He got his clothes and turned on the shower. He made sure it was warm before stepping in.

Jimin sighed as he stepped in after him. Jungkook hugged him and said, "Sorry about the fight hyungie~." Jimin smiled and washed Jungkooks hair before kissing his forehead. Jungkook smiled shyly as they helped each other shower.

They hurried up then stepped out and quickly changed. Jimin looked at the time as they quickly got ready. Five more minutes. They got into Jimins car and they drove off. Jungkook made sure to put on his favorite necklace.

Jimin smiled when he saw the necklace Jungkook was wearing. Jungkook pulled out a bracelet and said, "Look! The rose gole heart bracelet you got me!" Jimin smiled widely and kissed Jungkooks cheek. Jungkook smiled at him as they arrived.

Jimin parked the car and they headed inside. Hoseok waved at them with his usual smile. Jimin waved back and said, "Good morning Mr. Jung!" Hoseok pouted and said, "Call me Hoseok~!!"

Jimin smiled as he hugged Jungkook and touched his baby bump. Hoseok squealed a bit and said, "Is that his baby bump?!?!" Jimin nodded making Hoseok run to them. Jungkook smiled shyly and said, "Time to work!!" Hoseok poked his belly and smiled more.

Taehyung walked in and said, "Hello everyone~!!" Jungkook waved at him and said, "Someone is in an amazing mood today~. Why?" Taehyung blushed a bit and said, "Yoongi let me sing on his new track!"

Jungkook squealed and said, "I bet it's amazing!!!" Taehyung nodded quickly getting really excited. Jimin pouted and whispered to Tae, "Can I talk with Yoongi later? I wanna make another song for Jungkookie." Tae nodded as he put on his apron.

They all began to work and Jimin was peaceful. At least until a random guy walked in. Jungkook was at his table taking his order. When they guy pulled Jungkook close. Jimin saw this and he became jealous but, since they were in work, he couldn't do anything.

But when he saw the man touching Jungkook more he completely lost it. Jungkook was saying no but the man wouldn't listen. Jimin gently picked up Jungkook then set him down behind him. Jungkook hugged Jimin while the said make began to curse at the man.

Jimin glared at him and said, "Don't you EVER touch my husband again! Show your face here again and I'll make sure you never come back." Jimin turned around and pulled Jungkook to the kitchen.

Jungkook whimpered a bit and said, "Hyung!! You're hurting me! Let go!" Jimin let go then rubbed Jungkooks wrists. He kissed Jungkooks hand then said in a gentle voice, "A..are you okay? Did I hurt you? Did that man hurt you?"

Jungkook smiled then shook his head. Jimin smiled back and kissed him softly. Jungkook kissed back then pulled away. Jimin held his hands then said, "I love you." Jungkook giggled and replied, "I love you too~."

After that they went back to work but Jimin kept a close eye on Jungkook. The said male smiled when he felt Jimin staring. He found it cute how Jimin always protected him, even at work. Jimin got a little lecture from Hoseok about talking to customers the way he did.

Hope y'all like it!! UwU
Bye my lovelies! I love you all!

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