Breakfast and Planning

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Jungkooks P.O.V

I woke up and saw Jimin staring at me. I got startled and jumped slightly. He smiled at me and kissed me softly. I giggled and kissed back then said, "Good morning hyungie~." He hugged me as he replied, "Morning sweetie."

I hugged back then got up but fell down. He smiled and whispered, "Kookie~ let's just cuddle all morning." I pouted and shook my head because I was really hungry. He let go once he heard my stomach. I giggled as I got out of bed.

Jimin followed me to the kitchen and I smiled. He's like a puppy sometimes just following me. Jimin thinks it's the other way around because I have a habit of following him around when I want something. Speaking of Jimin, this idiot just decided to pick me up and carry me to the kitchen.

Jimin must've noticed that I was thinking and thought I would fall down the stairs. I'm a little clumsy I fall and drop things here and there. But, I've never fallen off the stairs. Jimin kissed my cheek bringing me back to reality. I smiled shyly as I nuzzled into his neck.

We arrived at the kitchen and I began to slightly drool over the sight of chocolate chip pancakes and cookies. Jimin smiled and said, "I guess I'll make you some delicious chocolate chip pancakes~." I nodded excitedly making Jimin chuckle. "I'll go shower while you make them," I said then kissed his cheek and left.

Jimins P.O.V

I smiled at him then watched him disappear up the stairs. Once I heard the shower turn on I proceeded to make the pancakes. I decided to add a lot of chocolate chips because my little bunny loves chocolatey things.

I smiled as I thought of making the pancakes into hearts for him. I looked for the heart shaped mould. I began to make the batter and looked for the chocolate chips. There were no chocolate chips in the cabinet it normally is in so I'm confused. It's always there unless...

My eyes widened as I yelled out, "Jeon Jungkook!!! Did you freaking eat the chocolate chips?!?!" The shower was turned off and there was silence. I rolled my eyes knowing that he definitely ate them. Searching every cabinet, I finally found some but they were in a cabinet BEHIND a cabinet.

I stood there with me arms crossed waiting for him to walk into the kitchen. He must've known I was going to get him in trouble because he walked into the kitchen wearing cute clothes. It distracted me for a few seconds because he looked like the most adorable baby bunny in the world.

I went to pinch his cheeks and smiled when he blushed. Suddenly, I remembered about the chocolate chips and glared at him. He looked down in a guilty way making it impossible for me to get him in trouble.

I sighed as I made him look up at me. He looked at me with big doe eyes and a pout. I can't get mad at someone as cute as him. I just smiled at him and said, "You're off the hook this time baby~ but not next time okay? Next time you will not be getting chocolate for a week okay?" He pouted even more so I looked away.

No ones P.O.V

Jungkook continued pouting while looking at Jimin. Jimin just made the pancakes completely ignoring Jungkook. Once the pancakes were finished they sat at the table. Jungkook sat on Jimins lap and said, "Hyungie~ please don't do that to me~! You know how much I love chocolate~!!"

Jimin wrapped an arm around his waist and said while smiling, "No can do baby~ you should have seen this coming." Jungkook sighed and ate some pancakes while glaring at Jimin. This made him laugh because Kookie still looked cute even when glaring at someone.

They ate in silence and didn't even look at each other. Jimin pouted wanting attention from Jungkook. He began to tickle the younger, which startled him. Jimin continued tickling him and Jungkook was giggling so hard his stomach began to hurt. Jungkook tried to catch his breath but was struggling. Once he could talk a bit he said, "J..jimin!!! Stop!!" Jimin just smiled completely ignoring him.

Jungkook was smacking him trying to get him to stop. After a few minutes, Jimin finally stopped. Jungkook was trying to catch his breath and Jimin just smiled at him. Jungkook smiled back once he has caught his breath. Jimin kissed his cheek before picking him up so he could get up.

Jimin went upstairs not knowing Jungkook was right behind him. Jimin walked into the guest room and Jungkook was about to walk in when Jimin said, "Don't even think about it!! I have to work on a special surprise for you~!"

Jungkook squealed getting excited for his special surprise. "I need you to go baby~," said Jimin. Jungkook nodded as he skipped to the extra room. He laid in between all of the Chimmy plushies and hugged them all. He suddenly yawned and slowly fell asleep.

Jimin was in the guest room smiling as he began to write a song. He wanted Jungkooks upcoming birthday to be the best birthday ever. He was going to write a song for him and buy him a pet. He knew Jungkook has always wanted a little bunny.

Jimin wanted to get him a cute bunny. Since Jungkook reminded him of a bunny he wanted to get reminded of Jungkook whenever he wasn't there. Jimin smiled at the thought of Jungkooks sweet smile. Jimin sighed lovingly as he thought of how lucky he was to find someone as sweet as Jungkook.

Jimin jumped slightly when he had heard a knock on the door. He opened the door and on the other side was the younger. "I woke up because I felt someone thinking about me," said Jungkook while smiling already knowing who it was.

An angel can feel whenever someone thinks of them because they'll glow just a bit. Jimin smiled as he said, "That was me~ I was just... thinking about how lucky I was to find you." Jungkook blushes at these words and he tried to peek inside the room.

Jimin blocked the door as he said, "Don't try to peek!! You can't know until your birthday!" Jungkook pouted and replied, "But why~? You know I'm not that patient!!" Jimin just laughed because Jungkooks birthday was only a week away.

Jimin kissed him and said, "Just wait one week okay?" Jungkook smiled and nodded. He was going to TRY to patient. Jimin kissed his forehead then held his hand, leading him to the bedroom. Jimin laid Jungkookie down and handed him a Chimmy plushie.

Jungkook smiled sweetly as he hugged the plushie tightly keeping it close to him. Jimin smiled back at him and he decided to lock the guest room so he could sleep with the younger. He laid down next to him and pulled him close to his chest. Jungkook rested his head on Jimins chest and fell asleep.

Jimin stayed up thinking of beats for his song. He wanted it so sound sweet and romantic. Maybe a piano and guitar could help some drums could play a steady background beat. Jimin had so many ideas for beats now.

Jungkook whimpered softly as a tear ran down his cheek. Jimin looked down at him and was confused. Jungkook had nightmares but he never cried in his sleep. Jimin kissed his cheek and sang to him. Jungkook stayed still and Jimin smiled. He kissed his forehead before falling asleep.

Ah Jimin, Jimin, Jimin. So whipped for the younger.
Pretty sure all ARMY are whipped for him.
Like he is so CUTE and ADORABLE!!! I love him so so so so much.
I've been working on this chapter all day so yeeeee.
Oh how I love writing stories.

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