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Warning: Contains fluffy moments 😄😄

Jungkook has been doing a bit better since that day. But, he won't leave the room and he refuses to eat. Jimins been there the entire time. Jungkook is slowly beginning to smile more and leave the room.

They are making progress now. Jungkook is very grateful for Jimin.

Jungkook sighed as he stared out the window. Jimin had to go to work today but he'd be arriving soon. Today, Jungkook will prepare a delicious meal for him.

He ran to the kitchen with a small smile on his face. There's so many things he can make for Jimin. Oh! He can make spicy pork ribs and braised chicken!! Jimin loves that.

Jungkook began to cook the food and sang a bit. Jimin opened the door quietly and smiled to himself. Hoseok let him leave work early today and Jimin was very thankful. He shut the door and took his shoes off.

Jungkooks singing was heard and Jimin froze. It's been so long since he's heard Jungkook sing. It sounded like it was close by. Jimin followed the sound and was led into the kitchen where Jungkook sang peacefully while cooking.

This was a huge surprise for Jimin. Jungkook danced gracefully as he cooked the food. It was as if nothing mattered in the world to him. Jimin couldn't keep his eyes off of Jungkook. He was captivated by his beauty and grace.

Jimin watched Jungkook for a while longer before sneaking up on him. His arms wrapped around the latter's waist and he rested his head on Jungkooks shoulder.

Jungkook jumped a bit when he felt arms snake around his waist. When he heard Jimin saying "Hello baby~" he relaxed. Jungkook smiled and replied, "Hey Jiminie~. I thought you'd be back at 7. Did I get the time wrong? Is it past 7 already?!"

Jimin kissed his cheek and replied in a soft voice, "Calm down baby~. It's still 4 p.m. Hoseok let me out early." Jungkook sighed as he picked up some braised chicken and fed it to Jimin.

He wanted to make that it tasted good. Jimin gave him a thumbs up and Jungkook let out a sigh of relief. Jimin tapped his shoulder and opened his mouth again. Jungkook laughed and said, "You'll eat more later~. Once the spicy pork ribs are ready."

Jimin gasped and asked, "You made me braised chicken and spicy pork ribs?!?! You're the best Jungkookie~." Jimin hoisted him up and began spinning him around.

Jungkook squealed and yelled, "Put me down Jimin!!" Jimin slowly pulled him down then kissed him. Jungkook kissed back and giggled a bit. Jimin closed his eyes and whispered, "My Jungkookie is finally back."

Jimin hid his face in Jungkooks neck but the younger knew he was crying. The latter hugged him and asked him, "Why are you crying Jiminie?" Jimin sobbed a bit and whispered, "I just... I really missed my happy, sweet and smiley Jungkookie... I didn't like seeing you so... so sad and depressed."

Jungkook smiled and moved away a bit so Jimin would look at him. Jimin looked up and Jungkook showed him his bunny smile. Jimin cried more and asked him, "P..promise me that... you will n..never stop smiling, okay?"

The latter looked at Jimin for a few minutes before nodding. Jimin showered him with kisses and Jungkook began to giggle. This caused Jimin to smile widely.  The younger really is getting better.

Jungkook gasps as he turns off the stove. Jimin smiled as he plates the food and grabs Jungkooks hand. They walk to the table and place the food down.

The two sit down beside each other and cuddle close. The reason Jimin was allowed to come early was because a huge storm was on the way. Hoseok wanted everyone to get home early and be safe.

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