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Jimin smiled a bit as he drew. He was designing the babies play room while Jungkook slept on his lap. Jimin had an arm around Jungkooks waist. Jungkook had his arms wrapped around Jimin as he slept peacefully. They were both going to discuss the babies play room but Jungkook fell asleep.

They stayed awake last night dancing and singing. They didn't sleep at all last night and Jimin knew it had affected Jungkook. While at work, he kept on falling asleep. Jimin found it cute because his normal big drown doe eyes had been half closed.

Once they got off of work, JK fell asleep in the back seat. Jimin drove as quickly as he could so he could put the younger into bed. After an hour of sleeping he had woken up to plan their babies play room. They planned for a few minutes before Jungkook fell asleep yet again.

Jimin was currently putting the finishing touches on his design. He jumped a bit when he felt Jungkook shift a bit. Jungkooks eyes fluttered open as he stretched a bit. Jimin kissed his forehead and whispered, "Sleep well pumpkin?"

Jungkook smiled shyly and simply nodded. Jimin showered him with kisses then showed him his design. Jungkook looked at it closely and said, "It's so pretty!! We could turn the extra guest room into the baby play room!!" Jimin nodded as he stared at his design.

He pouted as he said, "It could use an extra something though! I just don't know what." Jungkook looked at it and said, "It needs a color that represents both of us~." Jimin pouted more before his eyes widened he stood up. Jungkook hung onto the elder with a tight grip.

Jimin switched their positions so he was holding Jungkooks waist. Jimin spun him around and said, "You are a GENIUS!!!" Jungkook looked at him confused and muttered, "All I did was say colors that represent us." Jimin nodded as he set Jungkook down.

Jimin smiled widely before kissing him passionately. JK had no idea what he helped with but he loved kisses. He kissed back and when Jimin pulled away he smiled. Jimin smiled back and said, "A yellow sun, blue skies, white clouds and flowers!!"

Jimin thought for a bit then continued, "Purple roses!! Yellow roses too!! You love those colors and some beautiful blue roses along with sunflowers and tulips!" Jungkook eyes lit up as he said enthusiastically, "I can go buy the paint!!"

Jimin replied, "I'll go with you! This is going to be so fun and the most beautiful room!!" Jungkook nodded as they ran downstairs to put their shoes on. Jimin took his car keys as he held Jungkooks hand. They ran to the car and once they were inside they headed to the paint store.

The entire way there, Jimins hand was resting on Jungkooks tummy. Jungkook smiled as he looked out the window. Once they arrived, JK was about to open the door when Jimin locked he door. Jungkook glared at Jimin as he opened the door for him.

Jungkook rolled his eyes as he held Jimins hand and got out of the car. Jimin kissed his hand and said, "My prince~ what would you like~?" Jungkook blushed as he closed the door gently. He said, "Paint please~. I have to decorate a room for my future heir to the throne~."

Jimin smiled as he intertwined their fingers. They walked inside and looked around. There were so many colors and they were all so vibrant! Jungkook could feel the pinks soft touches. When he looked at the blue he smelled delicious berries.

Jimin pulled Jungkook around and said, "How about we paint a sunset?" Jungkook nodded as he looked for all the colors. Jungkook has a very keen eye when it comes to colors. He grabbed all of the necessary colors then got some brushes.

Jimin turned around and saw Jungkook struggling to carry everything. He smiled as he put all of the things into the basket. Jk smiled at him and said, "I think that's it for the sunset. We need the colors for the flowers and the clouds!"

Jimin kissed his cheek then walked away saying, "One step ahead of you Jungkook-ah~." Jimin showed the younger all of the colors he had for the flowers. Jungkook smiled as he walked away to look for some white paint.

He picked some colors to make the clouds more realistic then ran back to Jimin. They quickly paid then walked out. Jimin opened the trunk so they could put the bags inside. Jungkook threw the bags in then skipped to his seat. Jimin unlocked the car and they got in.

The entire way back, Jimin kept glancing at Jungkook. From his face to his tummy. Jungkook pouted and said in a whiny voice, "Hyungie~. Stop looking at my tummy!!" Jimin smiled widely and said, "I can't help it!! It's just so cute~."

Jungkook rolled his eyes playfully as Jimin focused on the road. By the time they got back, the sun was beginning to set. Jungkook squealed as he said, "Hyung!! Quick! Let's go inside quickly so we can see the sun set from the balcony!! Come on!!"

Jimin smiled at Jungkooks cuteness and did as he said. They ran inside and quickly went to their bedroom balcony. They interviewed their hands and Jk rested his head on Jimins chest. Jungkook pointed at a cloud and said, "Look! The clouds colors look so beautiful."

Jimin nodded but he wasn't staring at the sky. He was focused on the male beside him. Jungkooks eyes were sparkling and his hair was turning a light pink. Jimin stared at him with a wide smile on his face. He whispered under his breath, "What a view~."

Jungkook nodded not realizing Jimin wasn't looking at the sun. Jimin smiled widely then added, "A beautiful view that is all mine~!" Jungkook looked at him and said, "What do you mean?" Jimin kissed his cheek and replied, "A view that starts with Park and ends with Jungkook~."

Jungkooks cheeks flushed a deep red. He hid his face in his sweater paws and said, "Hyung~!! Just one day! One day where you aren't admiring me~." Jimin chuckled quietly and responded with, "Never gonna happen pumpkin~. I see you everyday! It would be illegal to not admire you!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes as he stared at the sun. Jimin smirked and said, "A beautiful masterpiece~." He showered Jungkook with kisses, making the younger giggle. Jungkook tried to push him away but Jimin didn't budge.

New chapter!
Literally BEFORE midnight.
Hope you all like it!
Bye for now my lovelies~.

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