Chapter 4

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Aurora's POV
After the shopping we went back to the home for dinner. It seems so weird that I have forgot the past couple of years of my life. I have tried to think about everything that could have happened to my in the years that are missing but nothing. It was like they just didn't happen. I mean I know I went to school and other obvious things because I know things that I would only know if I went to school.

"Are you ok?" Molly asked me

I smiled and nodded "Yeah just thinking. It's like the past 5 years are just gone."

"Maybe I can help" She smiled. "So what do you want your room to look like?" she asked trying to change the subject. She probably figured that I don't want to talk about my memory right now.

I smiled. This family has been so nice to me "I don't know. I do love your room."

"thanks" She looked "It's ok I guess"

"Ok; I would kill for something like this." I told her "Of what I can remember my room wasn't so good looking"

"I am so sorry" She said not looking at me "I was a foster child too"

"Really" I looked at her "I would have never known"

"Don't joke" She laughed

"I am not joking you seem so content with your mom and dad" I explained.

She smiled "They brought me home when I was 2 years old. When I was 5 they ended up adopting me. I have been with them for most of my life. I don't even know any other life."

"I wish that was me," I told her.

She looked at the time "We should probably sleep now"

I looked at the clock that read 11:00 "Yeah" I pulled the covers up "night"


While I was asleep I had this awfully weird dream. That I was walking in these woods. There was a cracking sound, I turned around to find a spindle wheel and went up and touched. I then fell down but instead of landing on the grass I could feel myself keep falling and falling. Never stopping. It was like I was going to be falling to my death forever. Never knowing what was going to happen to me. I woke up to an alarm going off. Molly was already up getting and looking really nervous.

"Are you ok" I sat up in bed and asked her.

She shrugged not even looking at me. "I just don't like school"

"Well, you have me now" I stood up on the bed "And I can be fun" I started to jump.

"I can see" She laughed.

"Come on" I jumped off the bed and pulled her on.

We jumped on the bed for a little. It was fun just doing a silly thing for a little. "I think you need to get ready" Molly stopped jumping saying while laughing.

"Fine" I jumped down and went over to the bags of clothes "What should I wear?"

"Something that shows everything who you are." She said.

"That should be easy"

I dug through all the bags until I found the I took a quick shower and got dressed. Saying that I was nervous was beyond realistic. I am ready to faint with just walking in. What if no one likes me? What if they think I am weird or worse a slut or a goody two shoes? We went downstairs and ate some breakfast then got into Mrs. Shaffer's car. I just kept thinking all of these things on the way there. She pulled in and parked the car.

"I am going in with you two." She unbuckled. "I have to talk to the principle"

"Cool," Molly unbuckled and turned around to look at me "Are you ready?"

"If I say no can I go home" I tried to make a joke.

They both chuckled. "Come on let us go"

We walked in and over to the office. So far it was good but that was because there wasn't anyone in the hallway. It must still be class time. When we got there Mrs. Shaffer started to talk to some man in a suit who was kind of scary. Molly was talking to some kid who was sitting at a table while I was just looking around clueless.

"Here is your schedule." He handed me a piece of paper "Since you are new Art will show you around the school, your locker and your first class"

"ok" I am guessing was the kid that Molly was talking to. I turned and smiled at him "Hi Art I am Aurora"

He just stared until Molly knocked some sense into by elbowing him "Oh sorry" he finally talked "Hello"

"I am going to gym" Molly hugged her mom and me "I will see you in English"

"Ok" I told her as she walked out of the room.

"Bye lovely" Mrs. Shaffer hugged me and kissed my head "You will be fine"

"If you say so" I whispered.

Art grabbed his books "Are you ready?"

I just nodded. He walked me around the school showing me where everything was. It seemed not that hard. All the subjects were in separate wings and the gym had its own separate area. This school is so big. We then walked my schedule and he showed me the fastest ways to get there and when I would have time to run to my locker. He seemed really nice and nervous at the same time.

"You thinking of joining any clubs?" He asked.

I shrugged "I don't know. Are you in any??"

"Science club and Debate," He said quietly "I know I am a nerd"

I smiled at him "I don't think so you are just smart"

He looked up and smiled "Thanks"

We walked to my first class which was history. "Thanks for the tour"

"Welcome" He handed me my schedule "And welcome to Hendrickson High School"

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