Chapter 17

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Camden's POV

We sat and waited for Jaylyn to come with the smelling salts to wake A up. Hunter and I had let go of Phillip but he was not allowed to leave and we were watching him like a hawk. I am not understanding what is going on with Aurora. I have known her now for 2 months. She seemed to have started changing when Phillip came to town.

Jaylyn ran up with Kolt behind her. Jay ran over to Molly and Art while Kolt walked over to me and Hunter. "What happened?" He asked.

We didn't know how to answer that "We were filming, she pricked her finger and collapsed." Hunter told him. "And this freak came out of nowhere and he won't tell us what is happening. He seems to know more than he is telling."

Phillip rolled his eyes at us. Jay came back over to us "She isn't waking up, I think it is time to call an ambulance."

Phillip stood up this time "You can't do that" He yelled at all of us "I know what we need to do but I have to leave and come back.

He started to walk away. "Hell NO," I yelled grabbing his shoulder and stopping him.

"I'll go," Hunter said "Just tell me what you have to get. He looked at him "I don't trust that you will come back"

"Why would I leave the lady I love here like this" He looked at Hunter.

I had it in my right mind to punch him out but the look in his eyes made me what to believe him. "Hunter go with him"

"Fine" They left for Hunter's car.

I walked over and sat down by Aurora. I picked her head up and placed it on my lap. She was still breathing because you could see her chest moving up and down. She was cold though, her body is usually unnaturally warm. Henna came over and sat by us.

"You actually really care for her don't you" She sighed. "I have never seen you act like this before"

I looked up at Henna. I was starting to form tears thinking about what if Aurora never woke up again "I do, I think that I am in love with her."

"Wow" She took my hand "A word that I never would have thought to come out of Camden the king's mouth."

"I know"

We sat there like that for 20 minutes. Hunter's car pulled up and they both jumped out. Hunter had looked like he had seen a ghost. He was white and had staggered breaths. Molly ran up to him to see how he was. He was just mumbling to her but not loud enough for us to hear.

Phillip came over to Aurora, opened her mouth and poured some kind of liquid down it. I looked at him he walked over to Hunter and was whispering something.

"If you have something to say tell us all" I shouted at him.

He and Hunter walked over to me and everyone followed. "So this is going to sound like I am crazy but I have proof that I am not"

"What is it," Henna asked him.

He cleared his throat. "Um... Aurora and I are not from here. We come from a land called The Enchanted Forest. The stories that you guys call fairy tales are actually real. Back home I am Prince Phillip, and Aurora is a Princess. When she was a baby an evil witch placed a spell on her to get back at her father for breaking her heart. The problem was that the spell was changed and instead of killing her it was just going to put her to sleep until true loves kiss woke her up. She was not satisfied with that and found a curse to send Aurora here. She changed her memories and brought her to your town. I was sent here to bring her home and stop the curse. I assumed that being here in a land with no magic would stop Maleficent but I was wrong. Somehow she changed the needle with the poisoned one."

"Are you shitting me" I got putting her head gently on the floor. "You are a psycho"

"Cam" Hunter came over to me "He is telling the truth"

"Hunter really" Kolt looked at him "You can't believe this right"

"I didn't," He said "Until he showed me the mirror"

"What mirror?" Jay asked.

"This" He held up a hand mirror that looked to be made of stone. "It's magic"

"I don't believe you" Henna sassed "Prove it"

"Okay," He said "Um give me a name of someone"

"Nick Jonas," She said picking the most random famous person name.

"That is?" Phillip asked "Never mind" He handed the mirror to her "Say that name but first say show me"

"Okay" She took the mirror "Show me, Nick Jonas"

We all huddled behind her to watch. The mirror got all foggy then the picture cleared so show Nick and his brothers sitting on their tour bus throwing popcorn at each other while watching a movie. We just watched it, it was amazing the picture quality there.

"Okay" She handed him the mirror "Well now I believe in magic"

"What now?" I asked him still doubting his story "How do we help her, kiss her"

"Well there is a problem," He said. "Magic is very strange here, I don't think that the true love's kiss will work here"

He opened a box and took out a bean. "What is that?" Art said looking at it "It looks like a lima bean"

He closed his fist "It isn't, it is the last magic bean, I used the other to travel here. And now I will take her home and wake her up."

"Stop" I yelled "What if I am her true love"

"You can't come you will be will be stuck there" He was getting angry "Plus we are supposed to marry"

"To bad" I knocked the bean out of his hand. I picked it up and took a hold of it "I am coming with"

Molly stood next to me along with Jaylyn "Us too"

Kolt and Hunter looked at each other "I guess we are as well"

We all looked at Henna and Art who shrugged and came and stood by us. Phillip huffed and extended his hand for the bean. "Fine"

I picked up Aurora and carried her over to where Phillip was planting the bean. As soon as he stood over it and said Enchanted Forest this gigantic portal made of blue light opened up. He jumped in and we all followed. I don't know what is going to happen but I will save you Aurora.

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