Chapter 6

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Molly's POV
After study hall, we went to English. I can't believe that I did that. I am so shy that I am just someone who sits in the corner but seeing Aurora not scared made me want to get up there with her. Aurora got up and walked over to Kolton leaving me with this girl I don't know very well. I think we might have chemistry together but I am not certain.

"We have Mr. Senn for chem together right?" She asked.

I nodded "I was wondering that too"

"I am just really shy this was so unlike me" She confessed "I still can't believe I did it"

"Me too" I agreed "I never do anything like this"

"So you know Aurora?" She asked.

"Yeah. she is living with my family" I told her "She is a foster child like me"

"I was too," She told me. "My family adopted me when I was about 13."

"That's amazing" I was surprised. I thought we were the only foster kids here.

She nodded "I love them. So what do you think they are talking about?"

I looked over at them "He is probably trying to win her over by his coolness and all the things he can get her into like school games and parties"

She giggled "Who knows maybe he is writing a poem for her"

We both looked at each other and laughed at that "Probably not"

We both sat there until Aurora walked back over. Jaylyn seems to be an awesome girl. How didn't I know about her before this? She seems like someone I could be best friends with. Aurora looked so excited when she sat down.

"So Kolton just invited us to a party he is throwing on Friday night" She was so excited "We have to go"

"Why?" Jay asked her. But I was thinking the same thing.

"It will be fun" She smiled "And it will be my first high school party"

We couldn't argue with that part. "Ok we can go"

"Awesome" She hugged us.

Aurora had this energy that even when you were close to her you just felt so much better. I don't know what it is about her but she was just fantastic. After my unexpected free period, Aurora and I walked to English. This is one of the only classes we have together which I need her because this kid I secretly have had a crush on is in my class and we are going to be put into groups today. I think the teacher put me and him in a group together.

"So class" The teacher started "We have a new student" Aurora smiled at everyone "This is Aurora so please make her feel welcome"

The teacher kept talking about pointless things while I was looking around the room. and were in a little tif. They are the school's power couple. She is like the richest girl at this school, she is also student council president and she is the captain of the cheerleading squad. Then there is Camden he is a rich kid who is just generally good looking. He kept turning around and looking at us. He isn't the one I like. I like Hunter. He is a year older than us but he failed English last year and is taking it again. He is a bad boy but I don't know why but I am attracted to him. Hunter and Henna are brother and sister, it's the only thing trait about him that I can't overlook.

"Who is that?" Aurora asked ointing to Camden

"Camden Henshaw" I told her "He is the popular kid here he is dating Henna Waters"

"Oh," She said "He keeps looking at me"

"Well you are a little hottie so I am no surprised" I joked with her

She nudged my arm "Shut up"

"So finally we are talking about Fairytales," The teacher said "75% of your grade this year will be a quarter-long project. Each group will be given a fairy tale to learn about. You will read the book, watch a movie about them. Then write a paper comparing and contrasting the two. After you and your group will write a script about your agreed-upon favorite scene and will film it for the class to than watch."

We all just kind of nodded "When will we get our groups?" Henna asked

"Right now" The teacher got her clipboard out "Cinderella group will be Art, Henna, Lane, and Jake"

Henna didn't look happy with her group because she got up all pissy and walked over to them "Great" She said sitting down.

"Ok Sleeping Beauty Group" She looked at her clipboard "Camden, Molly, Hunter, and Aurora"

I looked at Hunter who turned to look at me. I think I was blushing already "You totally like him" Aurora whispered to me.

"Shut up"

Our group got together and we stopped listening to what the teacher was saying. "Hi, group," Camden said sitting as close to Aurora he could get without getting Henna mad.

"Hi" She smiled at him "So what are we going to do?"

"Can I please just watch the movie?" Hunter asked, "fairy tale stories make me tired."

"How about you and Molly watch the movie while Aurora and I read the book" Camden suggested.

Aurora and I looked at each other "Ok"

"Well, then it is settled." He smiled at Aurora. Hunter looked at me just giving me a blank stare. I don't know what it is about him but I fall for him more and more every time I see him.

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