Chapter 13

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Phillip's POV

Aurora walked away with that thief. No one steals my girl and gets away with it. We are destined to be together. I worked so hard to get here. I had to fight through a field of thorns and find that one that had a key to the box of destiny. And only after I proved my love for Aurora I was able to receive the bean but not before fighting a dragon to get the real box. It had the only beans left in the enchanted forest. One to get me there and one to get home. I have only been in the mortal world for 2 days and I am understanding that everything in the Enchanted kingdom is a tad bit weird.

"Hey" This other girl walked up to me with a boy following her behind. "I am Molly your tour guide"

"Phillip" I smiled at her "And you are?"

The boy looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Hunter"

"Aww" I looked at him "Do you hunt?"

They both looked at me so confused. Then I remembered what Rumplestiltskin told me, that people don't have jobs most of the time. "Um no"

"That was a joke" I tried to laugh. "Sorry, Northern humor I guess"

They both gave me a fake laugh which was nice and considerate. "Let me show you around."

They gave me a tour of this nice school. When it was over I went to the class that I was supposed to be in. I didn't listen to the teacher. I was just trying to figure out what happened to her. It was like everything that happened to Aurora in the Enchanted Forest never happened. All of her memories were replaced with fake ones. She is now a normal human, there must be someone that I can do to help her. She needs to remember, that way we can go home and be happy.

After school, I walked back to the motel that I was staying in. Rumple gave me something called money. HE said I should use it to find a place to sleep and food to eat. This food though I don't like it. It's ozzies this weird juice when it is hot and you can heat things up in something called a microwave.

"Okay" I took out the mirror that Rumple let me take in my journey. "Show me Aurora."

The mirror changed to an image of her walking outside with that man. They were holding hands and talking about something called 'PROM'. What is that? Is it a food, or some kind of torture device.

"So" Aurora was smiling at him "You want me to go to Prom with you?"

This caveman pulled her close to them as they walked. "Of course, you are mine now"

They stopped at a house. "Then I would love to" she smiled up to him.

He leaned down and kissed her. They kissed for what seemed like forever. What is he doing to her? I had to put the mirror down for a moment to compose myself. When I knew I wasn't to throw the mirror I picked it back up.

"Show me Aurora"

The mirror changed to her standing outside with that girl. The one who gave me a tour, what was her name? Molly. They were sitting on a bench talking.

"So" Molly smiled at her "You and Cam huh?"

Aurora just blushed and smiled "Molly, it was the best day of my life, he was so nice and sweet. Like I have never had this kind of day ever"

"That's so cute" She giggled "So ready to come in?"

She shook her head "I think that I am going to take a little walk. I just don't want this night to end."

"Okay" She got up "Just be careful, I know that this is a small town but you are still a fresh piece of meat, so be safe"

Aurora giggled at her "I will"

That is my in. I put the mirror down and put on a coat. "See you soon my princess"

Aurora's POV

I just walked around the neighborhood a little. Tonight was so amazing that I wasn't ready to let it end. I let the cold air hit my face and had my shoes off feeling the ground. I found this to be the most calming and relaxing thing to do. Because of my calmness, I wasn't paying attention.

"STOP" I was pushed out of the way, and fell to the grass with someone holding onto me. "I am so sorry," he said helping me up "But that moving thing almost hit you"

I finally gained my composer and looked at see Phillip that kid I met today at school. "Thank you" I brushed off my shirt and pants. "I wasn't paying attention"

"That's okay, I am here to protect you............ I mean protect everyone" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"I understand" I laughed "So what are you doing out this late"

He smiled "I love the outdoors, it is just the most naturally relaxing thing to do."

I was shocked "Same." I played with the end of my cardigan. Why is it that he makes me so nervous "What to join me for a little?"

"Sure" He had the biggest smile.

We started to walk. We didn't really talk but that is also nice. I just was looking at the trees and stars, there is just a simple beauty in them. I looked at Phillip who was also looking at the stars. He had a beautiful smile. Something about him makes me think that I really know him.

"Can I ask you a question?" I stopped walking and turned to him.

"Sure" He stopped and looked at me "Anything"

I took a deep breath "Earlier you said that we met once. Where did we meet, because I can't seem to remember"

He smiled again. "Once I was walking and you stopped me because you thought I was following you. You then allowed me to walk you home."

"Really" I was so puzzled. "I don't seem to remember that"

His smile faded just a tad "Oh"

I felt bad now "But that isn't surprising, I seemed to have lost years off my memory"

"Oh wow," He was shocked. "So you can't remember anything?"

I started to walk again "Um, well, yes and no. I can remember facts and feeling of things that I have done before, but I can't remember the names and faces of people that I might have known"

"That is awful" he followed me

"Yeah," It is, sometimes not knowing my old family or where I really came from is frustrating. "But when I met you something came back to me. It was strange"

"Really" He stopped for a moment "Can I ask you something?"

"Shot" I stopped as we were back at my house.

"Is there any way you can meet me on Sunday? I have an idea on how to help with your memories" He asked

I was just stunned "Um you know what why not, I am willing to try anything."

"Perfect" He smiled. He took my hand and kissed it "Till then" He then walked away.

I stood there just watching him walk away. This has been the strangest and best day of my life.

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