Chapter 7

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Aurora's POV
The next day went fast but it wasn't too bad. People were nice to me, well as nice as anyone can be to the new girl who seems to have all the boys drooling over her. I am not doing anything for them to be drooling over me, I think. Jaylyn was coming over after school and we were going to be getting ready for this party, then she was driving there. Since I don't have my license and Molly doesn't have a car.

"I am so excited" I was telling Molly at English.

We were sitting in our groups, supposed to be talking about the project but Camden and Hunter were talking about the party tonight. They seem to be friends but I don't know.

"You really need to calm down it is just a party," Molly said still staring at Hunter.

I don't understand why she just doesn't talk to him already. "Are you two coming?"

They looked at us "Yeah we are, are you two?" Hunter asked.

"Um.. well.." Molly was stuttering

"Yeah, we are," I said for her,

"So I will see you there right?" Camden looked at me

"Of course you will" I smiled at them.

The rest of the day went on without a hitch. Jaylyn drove us back home and she came in and we went to the kitchen to get some food and talk to Mrs. Shaffer. She was a really cool person not like my last foster family but I am still scared to talk to her. What if she is like secretly judging me or something?

"Hi girls" She smiled drinking some coffee "You have that party tonight right?"

We nodded "We will be back by 12," Molly told her.

"Ok" She smiled "And if you drink please call me ok"

"Got it mom" She pulled us up to her room. My room isn't done yet so I am still sleeping in her room.

"What are we going to wear?" Jay asked.

Molly smiled at me "This is when its good to have an Aurora"

"Huh" Me and Jay both said.

"Come on I mean I have like zero fashion sense and you Jay dress like a New York Socialite which is not super bad," Molly said, "Aurora you have the best today style so please can you do this?" Molly asked.

I looked at them "Ok but give me some time to get them together"

"Can do"Jay sat on the bed "I am going to do my makeup than"

"Can you do mine?" Molly asked her

"If you can do my hair," She told Molly

"Deal" They both ran into the bathroom.

So I turned on the radio and started to listen to some music. I like living here, nothing seems wrong and everything is good. But deep inside of me I think that something is wrong with this. That I don't belong here but I think it's just my nerves hitting me.

"I got them" I pulled out three outfits.

They came running out "Love it" took hers

"Tots girl" smiled and grabbed hers

"I will change"

After about 4 hours of getting ready we were ready to go. We all got into the car and Jaylyn drove to the party. I am loving my new friends there is nothing I would want to change about anything right now. And I am going to my first high school party to make everything better than imaginable. We pulled on the street and found a spot. It was more difficult than I thought because the whole place so packed.

"Ready?" Jay asked us.

I gulped "I am ready"

We walked in a got a drink. Jay didn't drink because she was driving but Molly and I did. I noticed Kolton walk with the jocks and preps. Then Art came in with I smart kids, and Camden came in with Henna and all their friends. They all stared at me when they walked in. Even Henna who gave me the evil eye.

"Hey" Kolton came up to us "So glad you all could come"

"Me too" Jaylyn mumbled out. "Is this your house?"

He nodded "Come I will show you around"

"Thanks" She blushed and walked off.

Molly and I stood there not knowing what to do. Art came over to us and smiled. It was cute that he was here it didn't seem like his kind of place.

"So Aurora," He said, "Are you enjoying this?"

I looked around "I guess so"

"Oh," He said, "Well I am going to go get a drink want one?"

"Sure" I accepted his offer.

He left. Molly was looking through the crowd probably for Hunter. That girl needs to get off her high horse and just talk to him already. It isn't doing anyone any good acting like a stalker.

"I see him," I told her pointing him out. "He is coming over"

"What do I do?" She looked at me

"Act normal" That was the best advice I could give her at that moment.

"Hey girls," He said to us "You two look nice"

"Thanks," I told him.

"You too" Molly smiled "Want to dance"

Look at her, it probably took all of her courage to ask that. He smiled at her "Sure why not"

She gulped down the rest of her drink and walked away with him. I just stood there alone. For a girl who had tons of guys ogling her at school I sure had no one here looking at me now.

"Here you go" Art handed me a drink "Do you like school?"

"Yeah" I took a sip "It's big"

"It is there are tons of different clubs thinking of joining any?"

I shook my head "I just want to keep a low profile"

"Well that will never happen" We looked up to find Camden there with a smile "Need some air"

I just couldn't help but smile at his smile "I would love some" I took his hand and followed him.

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