Twice Upon A Time: Chapter 4

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Molly's POV

We were pulling into the town in a little while. Most of the time we spent taking shifts driving and sleeping. By the time that we were 10 minutes away, we were all up. I knew that Jaylyn wanted to talk about Camden and Aurora.

"So what happened last night?" Kolt asked turning to me and Hunter who were in the backseat.

Hunter looked at me I could tell that he didn't want to answer that. "Oh, we had some sex and fell asleep."

Kolt rolled his eyes and Jay shook her head. "I figured that" Jay laughed "He meant what happened after we left with Aurora and Cam"

"Yeah umm..." Hunter started "Nothing much"

"Liar" Kolton yelled "Come on you know that it is going to get out anyway in our friend group"

Hunter and I looked at each other and nodded "They slept together after fighting, and then in the morning she kicked him out." I told them.

"Doesn't he have a girlfriend?" Kolton asked us.

I shook my head "I am pretty sure that they broke up like 2 months ago"

Hunter looked at me and I knew at that moment I was wrong "They are still together but have to act like they are apart because they are partners at work."

"Oh no, I looked at them "His partner is coming because it was the only way that he could get the time from work to come was by saying that it was a tip for criminal activity."

"WHAT" Hunter turned to me "She was crying to me this morning, it is going to be hard enough with Camden but now Lillie is going to be here"

We pulled in behind Aurora and behind us was Camden's SUV. We got out and walked up. I noticed that only Camden got out of the car.

"Well here we are, Aurora said as we walked up.

The door opened and out walked Rumple. He looked so different, he was not gold, silver, and not scaly. He smiled at us and took a bow.

"My pretties" He laughed "You are all here"

"Everyone this is Mr. Gold" Phillip reintroduced him to us. "Here he owns most of the town."

Aurora hugged him, it was so strange to see "Well we are here and ready, can we go in and talk"

"Yep" He smiled "Just get the last person and we can go"

"The last person" Aurora looked at everyone, who else is here.

Camden put his hand up "My partner, it was the only way I could get time off of work"

"Go get her dearies," He shooed him to go get her"

We watched as Camden walked over and got her out of his car. She walked over, I had only ever seen pictures of her but in person she was beautiful. She walked over with a smile and waved to all of us. Aurora was just looking at the two of them. Then as if it was nothing she grabbed his hand and held on. Aurora was in shock, you could tell that she wasn't expecting that.

"Hi, I am Sophia, Camden's partner, and girlfriend" She smiled.

"Sophia" He mumbled at her looking at Aurora, who at this point was about to cry. "Not the place or time"

"Come on" She looked at him "These are your friends"

"Well Well" Rumple stopped them "Come in and we will get started"

We all walked into his shop. Aurora moved away from the group and hid her face. Henna, Jay and I walked over to her just to make sure that she was okay. She was trying not so hard to cry in front of anyone. We gave her a group hug. I looked into her eyes, giving her a staredown.

"Do not let her rattle you" I whispered to her "He isn't worth it"

She nodded and picked herself back up and we all walked back over to them. Rumple was waiting on us to come over there to start his story.

"So why are we here?" Henna asked with her high school attitude, god I have missed the old her, she is much different now.

"Like Phillip should have told you, someone is killing Royals. The problem is that I can't kill this thing. It won't die from evil or bad magic. The only thing that could kill him is someone with pure light magic."

"How is that supposed to help us," Aurora asked me.

"Excuse me" Sophia spoke up "What is going on here?" She looked at Camden "Cam what are they talking about Magic?"

He just rolled his eyes "Just please listen and don't say anything"

She crossed her arms and turned back to everything. "Continue" I looked at Mr. Gold and said.

"We would usually have Emma help us because she was born into light magic but we need pure light magic and she isn't that. Ever since she was the dark one for a while she isn't pure anymore. So that means we need the only other light magic and that is you"

We all turned to her and looked at her "ME"

Aurora's POV

"ME" I looked at him "No I have no magic at all, I know that I am a princess but magic nooo"

Rumple smirked at me "When you were born faires gave you three gifts."

"Yeah I mean everyone knows that," Hunter said, "It's in her story what does that have to do with anything?"

"Those gifts were magic, they transferred some of their magic to you. The last gift was the one that kept you alive. When you were given that gift, you were given the gift of magic. Although the fairies gave you that gift, the gods approved it and they sent you the gift of magic. You have never had to use it so you never knew you had it"

"No way" I backed away. "There is no way that I have magic powers anyway I can't kill someone"

Rumple looked at me. "You have to"


I ran out of the store and into the next building I could find. The library, I ran and sat against one of the aisles. I sat on the ground with the legs against my chest and buried my head in them. I heard the door open and footprints walking over to me. Whoever it was sat down next to me and just stayed there.

"Just go" I whispered not even looking up to see who it was.

"Not happening" I looked up to see Camden sitting there looking at me. "You are strong you can do this"

I wanted to smack him so hard right now "I am not that strong, Cam, you broke me. I used to be strong but when you decided to walk out of my life it ruined me. I had changed my entire life for you. I know that isn't what you wanted to hear but I loved you with all my heart, I would have moved mountains to be with you. But when you left me after cheating on me everything that I thought was wrong. I was not strong enough to get over you, and I am not strong enough to do this."

He just sighed. "Aurora you are the strongest person I know. You think that I broke you but after I left you, you went and created something fantastic. You build up this one idea into a strong empire. You moved mountains to come back from the Enchanted Forest to be with the ones you love. A there is nothing that you can't do"

We both looked at each other. Even though I know he has a girlfriend and she is just over in the next building I couldn't stop myself. It looks like he couldn't stop himself either.

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