Twice Upon A Time: Chapter 9

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Molly's POV

I stood there, I couldn't move. How? What? There is no way right? Hunter was just talking but I couldn't hear him. It was like everything around me just melted away.

"There is no way. You are dead, I was at your funeral." I stormed up to her and stood right in front of this girl who looked just like my sister. "How?"

She hugged me, and just like that, I started to cry. Nothing in this world could stop my emotions right now and I didn't want them to stop. It had been so long since I had held her.

She pulled away. "I know you have questions. Let me get everyone settled first and then we can talk" She took my hand and held on like she never wanted to let go.

"Where are our rooms," Rumple said, "I am tired long day"

"Ah yes," She said then snapped her fingers. Little men and women shaped like playing cards came out. "Follow them they will take you to your rooms. Married couples will be sleeping together." She announced "You will come with me" She pulled my hand to follow her.

We walked into this beautiful red bedroom that was fit for a queen. She pulled me to the bed and we sat down together. I just could not get over the fact that she was sitting right in front of me. "Okay," She smiled "What do you want to know first?"

"Um, let us see, how about, how you are still alive. I was at your funeral and I was there at the hospital when they announced your time of death."

She took hold of both of my hands. "I did try to kill myself."

"But" I went to interrupt her but she stopped me.

"But when I woke up I was back here. From what I had gathered was I was in Wonderland when I was younger. I became a hero because I drove the Red Queen out. But I was sent back, the rabbit told me by a mad man in a hat. That is when I came to Mom and Dad. They adopted me and then you came along. I had very vague memories of everything in Wonderland I assumed that I had made them up. Then I found out I was pregnant and when Bobby told me that he didn't want the child and I was just a hook up I was so depressed. I knew what mom and dad would think of me. So I ran my car into the tree. I was in pain for a moment but I woke up back in Wonderland in this bedroom. Everyone was so happy that I was back. They explained to me that even though I was human I had made such an impact here that when I died instead of going to heaven I was called back to Wonderland to live out the rest of my days."

I was stunned "So you have been here the whole time." She nodded "Did you ever miss me? or mom and dad?"

She looked like she was about to cry. "All the time. I realized what I did was so stupid but I couldn't take it back"

We just sat there holding hands for minutes not saying a word. "So tell me about life here?" I asked her.

She just shrugged. "It's pretty boring. I run the red queen out a while ago. So most of the time I just sit here and wait for people to come and visit me or get lost here. I help people get home or figure out why they came here. If not I play croquet and cards. Not very fun." She just smiled at me. "What about you? Last time I saw you, you where only a junior in high and had one friend me."

I smiled. We sat all night and talked about my life. She loved to hear all about my life, my work, Hunter, Aurora, and mom and dad. By the time morning came, we knew everything about each other. There was a knock on the door. Hunter, Aurora, and Camden walked in. They all just stood there and stared at us.

"It is so nice to meet you all" She hugged them. "I feel like I know all of you"

"You aren't going to smack me right?" Camden walked behind Hunter and hid.

She looked at me and we laughed "No, but I don't understand how you could dump all of that" She pointed to Aurora.

A laughed "I love her already"

I smiled. "Oh, Alice this is Hunter, this is my boyfriend"

"Nice to meet you" Hunter went to shake her hand. She pulled him in for a hug.

"Same" They pulled apart "Just one question?"

"Yeah" He looked at her with a questioning face.

She pulled me over "Why haven't you locked her down yet"

He was just stunned. The rest of us just laughed "It's okay Hunny" I kissed his cheek "I still love you"

"Ready?" Jaylyn popped her head in. "Oh and nice to meet you again Alice"

"Same" She smiled.

We all walked out of the room and followed her to this large ballroom. Everyone else was there. They all looked so refreshed and ready. Although I loved catching up with my sister I was also very exhausted. Rumple snapped his fingers and a large round table appeared all of us sitting there with breakfast. What was great about that was there was food for us from the real world (eggs, bacon, and coffee) and for the others, food for them (eggs, some kind of drink and what looked to be a leg from some bird).

"I have a question?" Henna asked Alice.

She put her food down "Yes Henna"

"You remember me?" She was shocked. "Anyway. You fought this monster but you are not a royal?"

She nodded "At the time I had princess Jasmine visiting. She was on the trail of Aladdin and stopped here for some magic from the Caterpillar. We went to sleep and in the middle of the night, I was awoken by her screaming."

"What did it look like?" Maleficent asked. "And why hasn't it come after Aurora?"

"That is a great question," I said "I mean she is a princess, although she only ruled for a short time and who knows if she really did anything"

"Hey" Aurora yelled at me "Hurtful but true"

We laughed. "Well I can tell you what it looks like but why or how it chooses its victim I am unsure of." She started. "When I got up and ran to her. It was a giant cloud of grey and black smoke. It was grabbing her with bands of smoke trying to pull her in. I had a few smoke bombs and potions from the last time the Hatter and Red Queen was here. I threw them at the smoke and it hissed and morphed. Standing there was this tall figure. It was dressed in a long cape and when it looked at me it had this mask that covered its face."

"So you didn't get to see if it was a girl or a boy?" Art asked. "Was it human?"

She shrugged. "After it looked at me I couldn't look away. It started to come near me but as soon as I reached to touch it, it shrieked like I was hurting it and vanished. Jasmine and I made our way to the nearest kingdom and that is when we were told that it had already been there and taken the king, queen, and prince." She sighed. "So I sent out the rabbit to different kingdoms to tell them to be careful. Then Rumple came to me along with Phillip. We realized that it was scared of me because I am human not a fairy tale creature"

"But why can only I destroy it?" Aurora asked. "I mean if it scared of humans can't you kill it?"

She shook her head "I can stun it but can't kill it. Only magic can."

"When it came to Storybrooke" Rumple interjected. "Emma, Regina, and I tried to kill it. But instead of doing any harm, it sucked in our powers. The only time it seemed to be hurt was the first time Emma struck it. It didn't like the light, the good. It fed off of our dark magic but it hurts when light magic hit it"

"So you see" Alice looked at Aurora. "We need your help."

She looked at everyone and took a deep breath in "Okay, let's do this"

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