Chapter 23

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Molly's POV

Its been a month since Aurora stayed and we came home. When I got back I had a lot to explain to my parents. Thankfully, Camden and Hunter came with to help me. We explained that while filming she hit her head. After she woke up her memory came back. We took her home and left her there. My parents were very sad, they loved Aurora before she left they said that they were in talks to adopt her. Not having her here was tough and it still is but after everything Henna became friends with Jaylyn and me. She is even getting ready for prom with us.

"This is so weird" Jaylyn looked at us after getting her dress on "Never in a million years did I see my life here"

"Agreed" Henna laughed putting her blush on. "I mean a couple of months ago I was dating Camden and had everything I wanted."

"And now look at you" I laughed "Going to prom with Art. That is very weird"

"Hey" She turned to me "After everything that happened over there we connected, plus he is like the sweetest guy ever"

We all looked at each other "It feels weird that she isn't here with us" I spoke up "I know that it has been a month since she left but she was so excited about Prom"

Jay laughed "I remember having to explain to her what prom was"

Henna sighed "I wish that I got to know her more. She sounded like she was a great friend"

"She was" I looked down. "But she would want us to be happy" I picked myself back up. "Are we ready?"

"Almost" Jay put the finishing touches on her makeup "Ready"

"GOOD" we heard a voice from downstairs "Because these guys are supper lame" It was Camden.

We laughed, picked up our clutches and walked downstair. I was determined to have a good night. In memory of Aurora.

Camden's POV

I didn't want to go to prom but the boys dragged me to it. I know that I should go because it was what Aurora wanted. She wanted me to move on. I just can't seem to do that at the moment. I have never felt this sad, I miss her with every ounce of my being.

"READY" I heard Jay yell from upstairs.

"GOOD" I yelled back "Because these guys are supper lame" I was trying to joke.

"Hey," Art said "We are not"

"He is joking" Hunter laughed. We added Kolton and Art into our friendship. It was nice to have new friends. They made it easier when I was feeling sad. Now I have more than just Hunter to talk to.

"I am" I looked at Art.

Mrs. Shaffer came over and put a boutonniere on my tux jacket. "I know that Aurora isn't here anymore but she would have done this if she was"

"Thank you" I smiled at her

She hugged me "Thank you for being there for Molly, it has been tough" Ever since we came home Molly and I talk all the time. Whether it be in person, on the phone, facetime, or text. She might have replaced Hunter as my best friend.

The girls walked down the stairs. They all looked beautiful. I was just imagining what Aurora would have looked with them. She would have been beautiful in her nice blue dress, her hair flowing down. She would have smiled up at me and probably said something along the lines of.......

"Hey hot stuff" Molly smiled at me

I hugged her "Back at you"

Hunter came over and took her hand "Ready for some pictures?"

"Yeah" She smiled.

We all went back over and took pictures. There were group pictures, friend pictures, couples pictures. When we were done we gathered into the limo. We all partied while it drove us to prom. When we got there we walked inside and started to party.

Although I was not able to come with Aurora it was still nice to come with my friends. I had some girls ask me to dance with them and I did. It was a nice way to have a chill evening.

"Last slow dance" The DJ came over the sound system and announced.

I sat down at the table and just watched as all my friends danced with each other. It made me think about what this day would have been like with Aurora. She would have forced me to be on the dance floor all night laughing and swaying to the music with everyone.

"Thank you, students," The principle said as the song ended "And please have a safe night"

We all filled out of the hall and back to the limo. It was going to take us to Henna's parent's lake house for the rest of the weekend.

"I am going to walk home," I told them. I am not in the mood to be trapped somewhere with just couples.

"What," Hunter said "Come on dude it will be fun"

I sighed "I just want to lay in bed," I told them "But have fun and send me lots of pictures"

Molly came up to me "Are you sure?"

"I am" I hugged her "Have fun"

I waved bye and started to walk. Luckily the hall that was used for Prom was only a 20-minute walk from my house. I just walked home. It suddenly got chilly. I started to pick up the pace so I didn't freeze but then I stopped in my tracks I felt someone follow me.

I turned around "Can I have this dance"

Standing there in the middle of the street was Aurora. She was in the most beautiful pink prom dress I have ever seen. I just ran up to her and picked her up

"Aurora" I spun her around "It's really you"

She leaned down and kissed me "It's really me"

I took her hand and we started to walk back to my house. She was telling me that after the wedding her family and Phillip's banished Maleficent to Neverland. She went because Rumple threatened her as well. After that, she roamed around the Enchanted forest looking for a way to come back. About a year later she came across Maleficent back in the Enchanted forest. They made a deal.

Maleficent wanted to come to the real world to get away from everyone and everything. She wanted to try to start a new life. Aurora agreed to come with her and help her get adjusted in exchange for passage. She had been back for a week but was in New York with her trying to help her.

She didn't tell her family that she was leaving, she only told Phillip. They were married but there was no relationship. She lived in the marriage for her family and he had fallen in love with another girl in the kingdom. She gave them her blessing before coming here.

"How was it a year for you but only a month here," I asked her.

She smiled, god I have I missed that smile "Time moves differently there than it does here."

I stopped walking and looked at her "So how long are you here?"

She looked at and me and smiled "Forever and ever"

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