Chapter 12

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Maleficent's POV

"NOOOO" I screamed into the mirror.

She can not be getting a happy ending. This is not how it was supposed to happen. She was supposed to go and become an outcast. Fighting with her inner demons that she doesn't belong there. I looked back at the mirror just in time. That boy, the new one he looks so familiar.

"He should" I turned around to find Rumple sitting in my chair looking at my staff. "That's Prince Phillip, I sent him there"

"WHAT" I ran over to him ready to send him flying into a wall but instead he froze me in place. "W----h-----y" I was able to mumble out.

"Rumple came closer to me. "You see Deary, you messed with my plan and now I have to fix it"

"P---l-----a--n" I huffed. He then let go and I looked at him "What plan?"

"Oh that deary, is for me to know and you to never find out" He disappeared after.

I just yelled. This girl is going to rue the day she was born. If it is the last thing that I do I am going to make her pay for what her family has done to me.

Cam's POV

After school was over I drove over to Aurora and Molly's house to pick up A for our first date. I am kind of a player but I am nervous about this date. I have never had this many feelings about a girl ever. On a first date, I usually take them to the most expensive restaurant in town and charm their pants off but not tonight.

"Hey" She walked out of the house. I waved at Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer in the background who was giving me the eye. It's cute that they treat her like she is their real daughter.

I looked at her. Even in casual clothes, she is the hottest girl I have ever met "Hey" I smiled at her "Ready to go?"

"Yeah" She buckled her seat belt "What are we doing?"

I shifted the car and pulled out "We are going bowling."

She looked so excited "You know, I don't think I have ever been bowling before."

"Well, then it is my lucky day."

We drove until I got to the alley. We walked in together, she looked around while I got us a lane. I could see every guy just looking at her like she was a piece of delicious meat.

"What's your size beautiful?" The man at the counter asked her.

"Oh sorry" She turned around. It was like she was in a movie. I swear to you, it was in slow motion, she was glowing and there was one of those slow jam songs playing. The man I thought was going to have a heart attack when he saw her "Um size 7 please"

His mouth just hung open for a moment "UH yeah of course" He pulled out a pair of shoes for her. Didn't even ask me my size just leaned on the counter staring at her,

"Size 11 thanks" I gruffed at him.

"yeah sure," He threw a pair of shoes at me not even looking.

She picked up the one that fell on the floor and handed it to me "Here"

"Thanks, babe" I leaned over and gave her a quick peck. That sort of snapped him out of it. "And thanks" I took my credit card back from him.

"Oh yeah sorry" He looked down, trying not to make eye contact with me, "Have a great game"

I took her free hand and walked to our lane. We at down and put our shoes on. I sent her to find a ball, while I added our names to the scoreboard. She came back and put her ball down looking at the lane.

"Okay," She said, "So I want to knock down all the pins right?"

I laughed and walked over to her "Yes, and you don't want it to go into the gutter if it does you get no points."

She took a deep breath and got her ball. She walked over and stood there before throwing it. "I can do this, I will be the bowling master"

I just laughed "Here" I came up behind her and positioned her so she could hit some pins "Now try"

I stepped back and she threw the ball. It hit three pins. She jumped up and down all excited, she came over to me and jumped into my arms. "Thank you" She kissed me. Man if she is going to kiss me every time she knocks a pin down this is going to be a fun night.

We played and played for almost 3 hours. But I will let you know that I have never had more fun then I had at that time. She was so excited and we would take breaks and talk about things. She loved to talk about Molly and her family. She very rarely brought up her life before then. I know the story that she told that when Molly's family found her she had lost some of her personal memories but had some memories of her old life and what she lived through. After bowling, we went to Dave's Diner and got some food.

"Okay," She said after taking a sip of her milkshake. "You get one free question to ask me anything"

"Really," I thought about it. What do I want to ask her? What I really want to know is how she knows that guy from earlier today. "That Phillip guy, how do you know him?"

She thought "When I saw him, I had this weird memory of walking with him in the woods talking. But that seems quite impossible because I was carrying a bow and arrow, and I have never shot one of those before."

"That's strange" I shrugged it off. "So anything you want to ask me?"

She thought "Why do you try to seem so rude and like such a badass?"

I love how she can see right through me "I like how people think that I am cool and unapproachable. It makes me feel like I am important."

She took my hand "You are important" She smiled at me "To me"

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