Chapter 19

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Camden's POV

Phillip and I just looked at each other. I mean I know that when I kiss her she will wake up but I mean does he think the same thing. Sure they might have had true love when she was here but I love her. I can't imagine life without her. He stepped forward first.

"I will," He told this really creepy dude. He looks like the person that your parents tell you will come out of the closet and get you if you aren't good.

"Perfect" He laughed. He sure is crazy in the head.

He clapped, the whole room changed again. The huge table was gone, and all that there was, was Aurora's bed and chairs that everyone was sitting in like it was a funeral. "He is awesome" Hunter whispered to me "Can we take him home?"

"NO" Molly whisper yelled at him.

Phillip walked up to her resting area, he knelt down next to her and kissed her pale pink lips. He pulled back like he was expecting her to wake up. But after a minute or two of her not moving, he tried to kiss her again. Rumplestiltskin stood up and clapped his hands


I looked up to find myself kneeling in front of her. This being moved is not something that I am loving. "Okay"

I looked at her beautiful face. Even though she was asleep and under a curse she was still the most beautiful person ever. I leaned down and kissed her. I put all of my love into the kiss, but nothing happened. I looked at her and kissed her again. This time everyone was concerned and got up, and walked over to her.

"This is not good" Rumple popped over on the other side of her bed.

He placed his hand over her head and closed his eyes. Everyone looked at each other, other than Phillip he was acting like this is a normal thing, but who knows it could be. After a minute Rumple opened his eyes back up. He had this worried expression on his face.

"What is it?" Henna asked, "Is she going to wake up?"

He went to say something but instead, a purple cloud appeared. This crazy looking lady with horns appeared. She looked exactly like the drawing and animation of her. Maleficent.

"Never" She cackled "I out beat you" She laughed at Rumple "I out mastered the master"

"We will see" He walked over to her "Never underestimate a man with nothing to lose."

She walked over to Aurora and looked at her. "You see" She looked at all of us "You all gave her so much love that she doesn't have ONE true love. She had such an overwhelming about of love from you all that it messed with her soul. So it doesn't matter who kisses her, she will never wake up"

"You witch" Phillip drew his sword. "You will never get away with this"

She walked closer to him. He didn't waiver in his stance "You see, I already did"

She laughed once more and then disappeared. We all fell back away from Phillip and Rumple who were arguing about what they could do. Then a plan came to life, but it came out of the most random place.

"I have an idea" Kolt raised his hand like this was a class at school

We all looked at him. He really thought he could beat the master of magic and the prince of this land. He stepped toward them, he looked like he was going to piss himself but he was being very brave.

"For my project, my group was given The Sandman. The problem with that is there no real movie based on him. So I watched this show where they used his sand to travel into someone's dream and change their mind. Can that same principle be used here?"

Rumple and Phillip looked at him and thought. Rumple ran over to this massive book and flipped through it looking for something.

"That was smart Hunny" Jay rubbed his shoulder blade "Very proud"

"Thanks, babe" He smiled at her

"Hunny that is a great idea" Rumple turned and looked at us "Sorry don't know your name"


"Okay, than Kolton, if we can get some of her's sand then you both can go in and change her mind about who to love more and wake her up," Rumple said.

"Why are you doing this?" Henna asked, "It seems like you only do things to get something out of it, so what are you getting?"

She was right. Rumple eyed her "Smart girl, you sure you aren't a witch"

She flipped her hair like that was a compliment "They call me that at the country club"

"I can see why" Hunter whispered. We all laughed a little.

"Shut it bro" She yelled at him.

Rumple stepped in between them. "I am getting something" He looked at her "My sweet revenge on Maleficent, thinking she can beat me, never going to happen"

"So how do we get this sand?" Art asked. Always the logical one.

Rumple made this face, which could only mean one thing. "We set a trap"

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