Chapter 9

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Camden's POV
I woke up in a car next to Hunter. Even though his sister and I just broke up he is still my best friend and I hope it stays that way. I mostly came to the party because Hunter has this fascination with a girl in our English group, Molly. And Hunter never likes a girl so of course I had to go but it didn't turn out to be so bad I mean Aurora was there and we kind of connected.

"Hunter" I shook him awake. "We need to get up I have a game today"

"I am up" He hit me in his sleep. "What about your day with Aurora?"

"Shit" I sat up and took out my phone. "I should call her right?"

"Text calling is stupid" Hunter yawned and started the car.

He drove me to school and parked the car for a moment. I knew that he wasn't planning on staying, he never did. He thinks that school sports are lame.

"Oh" I looked at my phone.

"What?" Hunter looked over to see who was texting me.

I smiled "Aurora said that her, Molly, and Jaylyn are coming to the game this morning. Kolton invited Jay to come to watch and the girls are tagging along"

"Cool," He tried to say without a smile on his face. "I think that I might stay today"

"Really" I was shocked "Well okay"

I got out of the car and Hunter followed. I had to go to the locker room, so Hunter went and grabbed a seat and wait for the girls to arrive. In the locker room, all of the buzz was about the party last night. All of the guys were talking about the 3 fine ladies that showed up. I deduced that they were talking about Molly, Jaylyn, and Aurora. I changed and went to find Kolton. Jaylyn must have caught his eye last night because he has never invited a girl to come to watch him play.

"So you and Jay huh?" I elbowed him. He just chuckled.

"Yeah, I have never noticed her before but she is quite beautiful and smart"

"Well" I sat down on the bench "She must be something for you to invite her to the game today"

"She told you" He turned around so fast that I thought his head might pop off.

I laughed and got up "No" I patted his back "Aurora did"

"Okay" He exhaled

"Well see you out there" I grabbed my hat and exited the locker room.'

Walking out, I looked up into the stands. Sitting next to Hunter was the girls. They were talking to each other laughing at something that was said. I looked down, and sitting in the first row though was someone who I didn't want to see here, Henna. I found out that she was cheating on me, the other day. She was sleeping with none other than my older brother.

"Hey" I yelled up to Hunter and the girls. Henna turned around and looked at the group. She got so mad because she huffed, crossed her arms, and stormed off the field.

Aurora waved and walked down to the fence where I was standing. "Hey" She smiled.

Her eyes melted me in a minute. "Thanks for coming"

She smiled "Are you kidding me I have never been to a baseball game before"

"Really" I was shocked. "Not even a kids game?"

She gave me a worried look "Not that I remember" She sighed and then forced a smile "See you after the game?"

"Of course" I smiled back at her. In the very short time that I have known her, I can already tell how she is feeling. She wears her heart on her sleeve.

She walked back up to her seat. I walked over to the dugout and talked with my teammates. The game was pretty boring. Kolton is the pitcher for our team and I am the star hitter. We won the game by 18 runs. After the game we all changed, then Kolton and I walked out to the girls who were still in the stands with Hunter.

Molly' POV

During the game, Hunter and I kept talking. There was never a quiet moment between the two of us. When the game was over we all waited for Kolton and Cam.

"Hey" Hunter smiled at me "Want to grab lunch together"

"Sure" Aurora turned around and smiled at us "We would love to"

"Oh" Hunter looked at her and Jay

"We are joking" Jay laughed "Go ahead"

Hunter and I got up and walked to his car. He opened the door for me and I sat down. Hunter walked over and got into the front seat.

"So where do you want to go?" He asked me, starting the car and looking at me.

"Um how about Panera. It's good food and its fast." I suggested to him.

He nodded and started to drive there. When we pulled in and ordered our food and sat down. We talked about his family and what he likes to do with his spare time. We also talked about Alice and how I am doing with her death. We also talked about Aurora, Jay, and Camden. When lunch was over he drove me home. We sat in his car outside of my house for a good ten minutes.

"I had a great time" He smiled at me

"Me too" I was blushing slightly. "I am going to go"

"Wait" He stopped me from leaving. He leaned over and kissed me.

I was so shocked that I didn't even have time to kiss back. When we were done I just blushed and smiled at him. I gathered all of my courage and kissed him. He kissed me back and we made out for about 10 minutes then pulled apart. We just smiled at each other.

"See you on Monday?" He smirked at me.

"See you then" I got out of the car and stood there and watched as he drove away.

I couldn't help but blush. This is like the best day of my life.

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