Chapter 22

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Aurora's POV

I opened my eyes to see all of my friends getting ready to leave.

"Are you leaving me?" I tried to sit up but I was too weak.

"Aurora" They all yelled and ran up to me. Camden helped me up and sat behind me so that I could steady myself. "You are awake"

I looked at Phillip, he must have woke me up with a kiss. That was kind of sad to me. I was really hoping that he wasn't my one true love that maybe Camden was. "You woke me up?"

He shook his head no. "Wasn't me"

"So Camden?" I squeezed his hand. "It was you?"

"Sorry sweet cheeks, wasn't me" He signed.

I looked around, this is just confusing. "Who woke me up?"

They all parted to show Molly standing there rubbing her neck "It was me"

I started to cry. She ran over to me and put her head in my lap and started to cry with me "I love you so much"

"Not as much as I love you"

I leaned over and laid my head on her back. Camden just rubbed my back and Hunter stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do. After about 3 more minutes of crying, we sat up and just looked at each other.

"Okay," I said moving towards the side of the bed. "Let's go home"

"You can't" Phillip stopped me "You are meant to be here"

I looked at him "Even if I was meant to I don't want to. You know how I feel, I want to go and live my own life. I never wanted to be that Princess that the fairies told me that I had to be"

"You can't leave even if you wanted to" Rumple chimed in "That potion I gave them only works on humans like Alice was. It was made by the mad hatter. He is the only person in this Relm that can send people to different lands. Even I can't do that"

We all looked at each other. I am stuck here, they had to go home without me and I had to be here alone. I just looked at all of them. Molly took my hand, while Camden hugged me from behind.

"Okay," I mustered up all of my emotions. "I love you all."

They all looked at me. They could tell that I was faking my feeling. I don't think any of them wanted to burst my bubble anyway. They all just nodded.

"We love you too," Hunter said first. "We will miss you so much"

I stood up and hugged him. I went around and hugged them all. I then went and stood by Phillip he took my hand and looked at all of my friends and family.

"Why don't you come to our wedding." He smiled at them. "Our families know you are back" He looked at me "We are getting married today"

I backed away a little. I am getting married. TODAY. "Oh goodie" Rumple was gitty "Let's go"

He clapped his hands, and we were all back at the castle that I was supposed to be raised in. Standing there was Molly, Jaylyn, Henna and was in these navy star dresses. They looked beautiful, I looked down to see that I was also in a different dress. I was dressed in my Wedding dress.

"Ready" I looked over to see a man who kind of looked like me. I am assuming it is my father. "It is so nice to meet you again baby girl"

"Same" I just looked at this stranger. I know that he is my father but I don't feel the love for him that I felt for the Shaffers.

We walked down the aisle the girls walking in front of us. I looked over to see Hunter, Kolton, Art, and Camden sitting there looking at me. I just want this to be over.

Camden's POV

I watched the girl I love to walk down the aisle to marry another man. She looked so beautiful. She is the prettiest bride that will ever get married. She walked to Phillip and was handed off. I just sat there while the priest married them. At one point I just couldn't take it anymore. I just up and ran out of the room. I stopped the whole wedding because I could hear other gasp and aww at me.

"CAM" I turned to see Aurora running after me.

I stopped and opened my arms to her. She leaped in them and held on tight. We just stayed like that for a moment. She looked up and kissed me one last time.

"I will find a way to come back," She told me "And a way to stop Maleficent"

"I know" I kissed the top of her head "I love you"

"I love you"

Then she was gone. I watched as she walked back to her wedding. The others joined me in the hall. We all took a drink from the bottle. My eyes started to get heavy. When we woke up we were back home at the castle.

"We are back" Henna looked down at her outfit "Man am I going to miss their fashion"

"Those dresses were awesome" Jaylyn laughed.

We all just looked at each other. After everything we had been through in the past couple of days, we were closer than ever. But looking around there was a part of all of us that was missing. Aurora. She was gone and I don't know if we will ever be the same.

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