Chapter 14

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Molly's POV

I woke up to Aurora and Jay sitting on the edge of my bed talking about prom dress shopping and the dance. Aurora didn't know what prom was and Jay was trying to explain it to her. I pretended to be asleep because the conversation was so funny.

"So it's a special dance where only seniors can go to but they can invite dates." Jay was telling her

"okay" she sighed "But that isn't fair to everyone else in the school. Like why can't they go?"

Jaylyn rolled her eyes and shook her head "That is a homecoming dance. Everyone is invited to that."

"So why can we go to prom then?" She was just not understanding this.

"Because we have boyfriends who are seniors" She sighed. I don't think she realized what she admitted.

"Wait" I shot up "Did you say, boyfriend!"

I jumped next to A, we both leaned in closer to Jaylyn. She blushed and tried to hide her face. She looked at us and just had this massive smile on her face.

"Okay but it's still new and not everyone knows but last night Kolt asked me to be his girlfriend and invited me to prom" She squealed.

We all screamed in excitement, it must have spooked my mom because my door flew open and she was there panting out of breath. We all just looked at her and started to laugh.

"What is so funny?" She crossed her arms "I thought that someone was hurting you girls."

"No" I got up and pulled her mom into the room and closed the door. "But we do need a favor?"

I batted my eyes at mom "What is it, Moll?"

"Is there any way that you can take us prom dress shopping" She pleaded "There is only a month till the dance and we were all asked last minute"

She thought "Why not"

"YES" Jay and A squealed from the bed "I am going to call my mom quickly" Jay ran out of the room.

"Get dressed and we will leave in 30 minutes" She smiled "I am just going to tell your dad where we are going"

"Awesome" Aurora ran to her room to get dressed.

"Thanks, mom" I hugged her. "You are the best"

"I know," She said smartly and walked out of the room.

I took a shower and dressed quickly. When I walked downstairs Aurora and Jaylyn were waiting with my mom, along with a woman I have never seen before.

"Molly, this is my mom" Jaylyn introduced her. I know that it isn't her real mom because like me and A she was a foster child who was adopted.

"Nice to meet you" she shook my hand "You can call me Miss Kellie"

"Hi" I accepted her handshake.

"She is coming shopping with us" Jay grabbed her purse.

We all got into my mom's car and she drove to the local dress shop. I love living in a small town because everyone knows everyone. There is always so much love. We got to the shop and walked in. There were so many dresses and not many people.

"Okay you girls go pick and we will be here" Miss Kellie sat down next to my mom.

The three of us walked over to the dresses in our size and looked over the rack. We are all around the same size, so we just looked at all the dresses.

"So what color were you thinking?" Jay asked me.

"Yellow seems to bring out my eyes," I told her. "Plus Hunter likes that color on me" I winked

"Oh stop that" Aurora laughed at me "I was thinking blue because it not only looks good on me but I can use the dress for our film tomorrow"

"Oh yeah, you are filming tomorrow" Jay flipped through some dresses "I am jealous my group has Hanzel and Gretal, that is so stupid"

"I am meeting up with Hunter before we film to get the props. Who knew there aren't that many spinning wheels in town" I laughed. "Are you meeting up with Cam to go over your lines"

Aurora looked away. "Um no, I have other plans"

Molly and I both stopped looking and looked at her. "Um what plans" She sassed

"You know that new kid, Phillip" She looked at us "I know him from somewhere and he is going to help me get some memories back"

"How?" I was very skeptical, the guy was a little weird the other day when I gave him the tour. "Like walking down memory lane or oh my god what if he kisses you?"

"He is not going to kiss me" She whisper yelled at me "Plus I won't let him" She pulled a few dresses out and handed them to a worker "I am going to try them on"

She walked away from us. "This is not going to end well"

Henna's POV

I was shopping with Annabeth for a prom dress because even though Cam is taking that Aurora bitch, I need to be ready for when he screws that up and comes crawling back to me.

"Aw, I love pink" AB pulled this ugly dress off of the rack and held it up.

I wasn't listening because I could hear Jaylyn, Molly, and Aurora talking to each other. Aurora was going to go see this new kid alone without Camden. This is perfect! I can make him catch her in the act of cheating on him and then he will be so heartbroken that he will come crawling back to me.

"Henna" Annabeth whined to me. "What do you think"

I gave her the side-eye. "That dress is so ugly, now leave me alone"

"FINE" She stormed off.

I went back to looking at dresses. Camden, you will be mine again.

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