Chapter 5

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Aurora's POV
When I walked into the class was already going and by the look, of it, they were just finishing up their lesson. This didn't make me feel any more comfortable since everyone was just staring at me. I looked at the teacher and then walked over to her and handed her my note from the principle.

"Ok" She stated after reading the note. "Class this is Aurora she is a new student so make her feel welcomed."

"hi" I waved to everyone. They all just kind of stared at me some more.

"Well then take a seat next to " I looked to see this kid in a football jersey looked up at me.


I took my seat and listened to this teacher. All the girls were on their cellphones while all the guys were just kind of staring at me. It was kind of freaking me out but I didn't know what to do to stop them. I looked down hoping that would make me feel more comfortable but it did nothing for my comfort.

"You are just a threat" I looked over to see Kolton talking to me "I am Kolton"

"Aurora" I smiled at him "And a threat to who?"

"Every other girl in this school" He chuckled.

I became very scared "I don't want to be. I just want to fit in"

"Here it's not easy to do," He said. The bell went off and everyone got up. I looked at my schedule and the map I was given. "Do you need help?"

I nodded "I have a free period. I just forget how to get to the cafeteria."

"I have a free period too" He got up "Follow me"

"Thanks" I got up.

We walked the halls while he was talking about the sports and cliques here. He seems to be very popular because all of the girls were giving me very dirty looks. I didn't think I was doing anything wrong. We got to the cafeteria and I followed him to his table. There were a bunch of people in uniforms.

"Guys this is Aurora" He introduced me

"Where did you come from, hot thing" this guy who was trying way too hard got up and came to way to close to me.

"Kellie leave her alone" Kolton pushed him back down. "Sit"

"Ok" I sat down.

Everyone was just kind of talking to each other leaving me out of everything. I didn't know who to talk to anyway. I only really know about one person in this school and she is in the choir right now.

"Oh great the losers," This little cheerleader said looking at the stage that was there groaned.

"What is going on?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes but proceeded to answer me. "Every Wednesday they have like karaoke during free periods to promote the "arts" " Yeah she said arts with a little attitude and put those air quotes around them like singing was a horrible hobby.

"Oh" was the only thing I could answer "Are they any good"

"Who knows they don't sing any fun songs," She said then went back to talk to her friends.

I just decided to watch because who knows they might be good. There were a bunch of them. They all kind of knew where they were supposed to go. The music started then they all started.

They weren't that bad. But no one was looking at them or even listening to them. No one but this one girl who was in the corner all by her self. She was humming along and swaying with the song. When they were done no one clapped for even acknowledge them for there hard work. But they were all happy about their hard work and hugged each other than sat down. No one else went up for about 15 minutes. I looked at that girl who was the only one to pay attention to them. I decided that I was going to try and be different here at that very moment. I feel like I have had all this luck handed to me in the past couple of days why not put that to use. See if I can get people to see music as something it really is. A way to express yourself and have fun.

"Where are you going?" that bitchy cheerleader asked

I looked at that one girl "To make a new friend" I walked away. I think she was kind of offended that I didn't want to be her friend. "Hi" I got to her table.

"Me" She looked at me.

I nodded "I am Aurora"

"" She was still shocked "Why are you talk to me?"

"Why not" I smiled. "So can you sing?"

She nodded "Why?"

"I want to go up and sing will you come?" I asked her

She was unsure "I don't know"

"Well, I am" I smirked.

I went over to the guy who was in charge of the music and told him what song I wanted. I walked on stage just as it was starting. I looked at everyone and started to sing. I noticed Jaylyn get up and ran-up to the stage. I handed her a mic.
(Aurora- Jessie J and Jaylyn- Ariana and Molly- Nicki)

Everyone in the whole cafeteria was up and dancing with us. Then all of a sudden students came pouring in from all over the school. It was about to be the rapping part but I didn't know it and I don't think Jaylyn did either. When the time came I noticed Molly holding a mic and walking up on stage. She sang it for us. When we were done we all bowed and laughed.

"Back to class everyone" the teachers yelled getting everyone out of hr cafeteria and back to class. "You can stay" She smiled at Molly.


We all went back to Jaylyn's table and sat down. People were coming up to us telling us how good we were. It was amazing that we were able to pull this off.

"How did everyone hear us?" I asked Molly after everyone left us alone.

"Someone put you two over the speaker. And when I saw it was you I had to join. You are glad I knew that part" She joked

"I am" I joked with her "But who put us over the PA system"

Jaylyn looked behind us "Someone who can control anyone he wants"

Standing not about 2 feet away was Kolton smiling at me. "Well then" I looked at the girls "Seems like I owe him"

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