Chapter 20

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Molly's POV

Everyone sat around trying to decide what the best course of action was to take. Phillip wanted to raid his castle but Rumple told Phillip that he would never make even remotely close to the gates to his kingdom. Rumple wanted to sacrifice someone to him in exchange for her dust but that was thrown out by everyone so now we are all just arguing about it.

"I have an idea?" I pipped up.

Being like a sister to Aurora has made me much more confident in myself and I have become more outspoken.

"Why don't we have a person fall asleep and the rest hide, then we can ask him to give us her dust," I suggested.

Rumple laughed. Like he didn't think that was a great idea "I love it"

"Okay" I looked at him "So who is going to be the one to sleep?"

We all looked at Henna who was already passing out in the corner. She just kind of shrugged like she was fine with this outcome. Rumple made a bed for her and placed the most important part of this whole operation.

"The sandman will not come if there is no dream catcher?" He placed it on the bed.

Hunter raised his hand "Can I ask why"

"Here" Phillip started "Dream catchers are magic, they collect the dreams that a person wants to come true, the sandman uses his sand to either make those dreams come true or enter the dreams to alter them."

"Let's do this" Henna cover herself up.

We all hid in different spots of the large room. The guys all hid towards the front and by where he would have to enter. While Rumple and Phillip hid more towards Henna and her bed. Jaylyn and I were towards the door, while outside of the door in case we needed to make a fast getaway. We just sat on the staircase that leads up to this room and waited.

"This is still amazing to me" She looked over at me. "I mean Aurora, the girl we all love is a freaking Princess, I mean I never saw that coming"

"Yeah" I looked down. No one seems to think about what is going to happen when she wakes up. She is staying here in real life. The girl that I love, the girl who is not only my best friend and sister will not be going home with us when we leave. "It is so cool"

"What is wrong?" She asked. I love Jay but since she started dating Kolton she has kind of been here and there, I rarely see her anymore. "Come on tell me"

"It's just when they wake her up she will no longer be our Aurora, she will have a whole new life, and we will never see her anymore" I started to cry.

Jay held me, I could feel her start to cry as well "I didn't think of that"

We both kept crying, it was like once the flood gates open they just wouldn't stop. We calmed ourselves down after a while and waited. I just hope my plan works.

Hunter's POV

We all waited and waited for this man to come. Camden and I were hiding together, we were sitting on the left side of the window. I looked over to see him just staring at Phillip, he really hated him.

"Dude relax you both want the same thing for her to wake up" I whispered to him.

He kept giving Phillip an evil glare "He just thinks that he knows what is best for her, the dude barely knows her"

"And you barely know the real her," I told him "You know the her that Maleficent wanted her to be, not the her that she was here. Both of you don't know her."

He took a breath and looked at me "She needs to wake up man, I don't know what I will do if she doesn't"

I patted her his back, we went back to waiting for this sandman creature. About 45 minutes after Henna fell asleep this little white light flew in through the window. We watched as it landed on the grounded and turned into an older man. He walked over to Henna who was sleeping. He picked up the dream catcher and watched as a video played of what she was dreaming.

"Hello, Deary" Rumple popped up. He put a cuff on him, the Sandman stumbled back and fell to the ground. We all got up from our spots and walked over to him. Kolton went to get the door while Art woke up Henna.

"What is going on" he grumbled. "Rumplestiltskin?"

"Hello Stan" He crouched down to his level. "We meet again"

"What is it this time" He huffed at him "I will not help you with that ridiculous plan to take........."

"What no that plan ended" He got up "Something else is needed something a lot more time-sensitive"

He returned to Aurora and her bed to the room. "The princess" The sandman got up and walked over to her "But I heard that Maleficent sent her to Earth"

"She did," I said. "But she is under the curse and we can't seem to wake her up because she doesn't have one true love. We were hoping to use the sand to go into her dreams and help her realize her one love to wake her up"

The sandman put his hand on her forehead as if he was taking her temp and closed his eyes. "She is very conflicted about two men" He looked back at us.

"Please" Molly walked up to him and took his hand "She is the only person I truly love, she helped me when my sister died, she helped me gain the confidence to talk to the man of my dreams, she is the only person who listened to me when I talked about not fitting in. I need her back."

He looked into Molly's eyes. I know I have the hardest time telling Molly no, but that speech right there, I would give her the moon if I could. "Okay," He handed her a bag. "But please be careful"

"We will" She handed the bag to Phillip and hugged him "Thank you so much"

Rumple took the cuff off him and he flew away.

We all walked back over to Aurora. Rumple took some of the sand out and sprinkled it on her head. He then looked over at Camden and Phillip with some sand.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

They both looked at each other and nodded "Ready"

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