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*Jack's POV

We came back home from our European tour today and had our last show tonight. We haven't seen our friends and family in a long time and told them to come see our last show for this tour tonight.
You know, every show is amazing, but it's something about a show when your whole family and friends are watching and supporting you, it just makes it so much more special. For me, it's also super special tonight, because my girlfriend Gabriela and my beautiful 7 month year old daughter Lavender are watching the show tonight. Because of tour, I haven't been able to spend as much time with them as I would have want to, so I really enjoy every moment I can get with them now that we're back from tour.

*After the concert

The show tonight was truly amazing and a great ending to a great tour.
After we got off stage, we quickly got into the shower and changed so we could go hang out with our family and friends. When we walked into the room everyone was talking and laughing and I just love this atmosphere. All of our friends get along so well with our families and I think that's just one of the most important things in life, because that's the way your friends become family as well.

The first thing I did as soon as I got into the room was get myself some Cheetos, because I was super hungry after the show and could not stop thinking about Cheetos. When I got closer to the table, I noticed a girl standing there all by herself, eating some Cheetos as well. I couldn't really see her face, but I knew I have never seen her before so that must be Souline. The squad told us they would bring a new friend to our show tonight.

Cheetos are the definitely the best." I then said to her while grabbing a bag of cheetos.

Hell yeah! They're bad for me, but the heart wants what it wants." She then said laughing while turning around to face me and I kid you not, she was one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. I know, I know.. I have a girlfriend, but she's just beautiful, you can't deny when someone is beautiful and on top of that, she was quoting Selena Gomez, my future wifey. Okay, just kidding, I love Gabriela, but everyone has a celebrity crush don't even act like you don't.

That's definitely something Selena Gomez would say." I replied laughing at her answer.

„Hey, don't laugh. She's my queen." she said in that cute voice while pointing at me.

„I would never laugh when the topics about Selena Gomez, I'm going to marry her one day."  I then told her and she just laughed.

„Yo, Jack! Great show man! Where's lavender?" Bobby suddenly interrupted us. As soon as Bobby finished his question, Souline lost that smile she had on her face immediately and had that weird look on her face.

„Yo man, nice to see you! Gabbie is unfortunately putting her to sleep, it's been a long day for her she's super tired." I told him.

„Oh of course. Hope I'll see her soon." he smiled. „I see you two already met." Bobby said looking at Souline and then back at me.

„Yeah kinda, but I had no chance to introduce myself. I'm Jack" I smiled.

„I'm Souline. I think I'ma just go over to meet the other guys. It was nice meeting you Jack." she smiled and walked away.

*Souline's POV

The situation got really akward for me when Bobby interrupted Jack's and mine chat, so I just felt like leaving to be honest. That moment just proved that I have no luck with guys. I find a guy attractive and seem to kinda get along with him and boom he's in a relationship and on top of that he IS A DAD. He's a freaking dad? like there would be no chance for me at all. He has his own little family and I would never, no matter what, try to ruin a happy relationship and especially not if there's a baby involved. Whatever. I always told myself, I would never date a guy who has a child anyways. I don't think I could to that. I would want my man to experience this big miracle of having a baby with me for the first time. If you date a man who's a father, you will have to get used to having another woman in your life all the time, because it's the mom and who would want to have another woman around your man? But my respect to the woman who can do that.
Honestly, I don't even understand why I'm making such a big deal out of it right now, I literally just met him and already am thinking about dating and stuff? Am I really that lonely? I mean I don't even know him? What if I get to know him better and realize I don't like his personality?

After I finally got my shit together, I walked over to Nezza and Franny. They were talking to two guys and I must say the Why Don't We boys do have an amazing taste for fashion.

"Ayyyyyyeeeeeee Souline, there you are. Meet Daniel and Zach." Nezza then kinda screamed which made me laugh.

"Hey, what's up? I'm Souline or Soul, whatever you like better." I said while walking over to hug Zach and then Daniel.

"Woaaaaaah! You smell like heaven." Daniel confessed trough our embrace which made me blush a little.

"Oh thank you! You don't smell so bad yourself even though you have a two hour performance behind you." I assured him which made him giggle a little.

"Well thank you for that. Did you like the show?" he then asked.

"Of course, the show was amazing and I'm not just saying that so you guys have a good first impression of me." they laughed.

"I'm glad you liked it." he said with such a cute smile on his face that could instantly make any girl fall in love with him. And his eyes were just breathtaking.. now I know what Billie Eilish meant with her lyrics 'Can't stop starring at those ocean eyes'.

"How come we've never seen you around with everyone?" Zach then interrupted my thoughts about Daniel's eyes.

"Oh, that's because I moved from Germany to Los Angeles about like eight months ago, because of a great job opportunity I got and then some weeks ago I met Nezza at a dance studio and since then we started hanging out all the time, so I guess now I'm part of the squad kinda." i smiled at Zach.

"What do you mean kinda?" Franny asked concerned. "You are part of the squad without a doubt." she reassured me.

"That's so sweet. I'm really happy about that." I let them know.

"That means we're going to see each other more often from now on. We'll talk later, I'ma head over to my family if that's fine." Daniel told all of us and hugged me before he went over to his family. "It was nice meeting you Soul" he added.

I could already tell that I was going to get along great with the Why Don't We boys, especially Daniel and Zach.

Later that night, I spend a lot of my time talking to Daniel and Zach. We just have the same humor it's so crazy, we just laugh non stop. I can already tell that this is going to turn into a really great friendship. I always get along way better with guys than girls, because guys are just not as complicated as girls, you can ask Franny and Nezza they'll tell you the same.

{a/n: Hope you like the third chapter!😘}

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