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*Daniel's POV
I woke up this morning and felt so great and ready for the day. It felt so nice to wake up in your own bed again. The tour bus is fun, so are the hotel rooms, but nothing compares to your own four walls.
The first thing I did before getting out of bed, was looking trough Instagram. I checked all of my friend's stories until I came upon Franny's story. It was a video of her, Nezza and Souline in the car jamming out to a LANY song. Franny mentioned Nezza and Souline in her story. I got a bit curious and thought why not check out here Instagram? I think it's always interesting to see how a person acts in real life around you and how they act and portray themselves on Instagram for everyone else.
Her Instagram was so aesthetic, no wonder she's a graphic designer. I could not stop looking through her photos, they were so great and most of all they were real. You can literally sense her personality through her photos. She's still herself on Instagram, she shows her real self, which is really rare nowadays.
I was not sure if I should already follow her or if it's too soon. On top of that, my fans will start to come up with theories of me potentially being interested in her and so on.

I decided to get out of bed, brushed my teeth and went to the kitchen, because I started to smell pancakes.

"Oh look, who do we have here? Daniel Seavey? Is this really you?" Christian joked around.

"Wow, you're so funny Christian." I frowned at him.

"I wasn't sure if you're still alive. It's already 12:30 pm and you're just waking up. Say thank you to having such a great brother, who thought 'why not make pancakes for your brother on his first morning back home'?" He laughed while putting the pancakes onto a plate and handing it to me.

"Dude my sleep schedule is out of place, I went to bed at like 6 am. Gotta get this back to normal. But hey.. " I pointed at him. "I love you for the pancakes, thank you." I shuffed a piece of the pancake into my mouth.

"You're welcome." He started doing the dishes. "So you met Souline last night? She's great isn't she?" He asked which made me choke on my pancake.
"Woah, you're good there?" he asked concerned.

"Yeah,yeah. I'm good. She's nice." I answered.

"She's nice? That's it?"  he furrowed his eyebrows. "You talked a lot last night, you seemed to get along." He questioned me.

"She's cute." I added.

"And she's single." he smirked at me.

"Then shoot your shot." I laughed.

"I think you should do that. Ask her to hang out." He suggested.

"I don't have her number and we just met last night. She'll think I'm weird or something." I chewed.

"Instagram you fool? Just ask her to hang out later, maybe get a snack before we all hang out at corey's. You're not asking her to marry you. You're just getting to know her better, just the way we all did when you guys were on tour." He said while drying his hands with the kitchen towel.

"Is it really not weird if I ask after we just met yesterday?" I raised my eyebrows.

"No way is it weird. She's literally you, just in a girls body. You two will become great friends anyways, so why not start now?" he said while walking out of the kitchen.

He's right. I'm not asking her to date or marry me. I just want to get to know her, she seems like a great girl and I'm going to see her a lot from now on.

I went on her Instagram, followed her and went into her DM's and just asked.
"Hey. What are you doing later? ☺️"
Oh shit. I hope she doesn't think I'm a weirdo.

*Souline's POV

"It's Daniel. Ehm..Daniel Seavey. He asked if I had plans for later." I told Franny and Nezza.

„Noooooo way!" Nezza's mouth fell open. „He either thinks you're cute or just wants to get to know you as a friend." she added.

„Or maybe both?" Franny smirked.

„Shit what do I do? What do I say?" I panicked.

„Just calm down and breathe." Nezza started breathing in and out to demonstrate it for me. „Tell him, you have nothing planned, just hanging out at corey's later tonight." she suggested.

I opened his DM and replied to him.
„Hi. 😋 Nothing, just hanging out at Corey's tonight. Why?"

„Why am I so nervous right now? What the hell.." I laughed.

„Well maybe because a cute guy asked you too hang out my dear friend."  Nezza winked at me.

„You guys are sooooooo w———" I got interrupted by a notification on my phone.

"Great. I'm picking you up at 5 to grab some frozen yogurts 🍦 before going to Corey's. Is that fine with you?"

„He wants to grab some frozen yogurts with me."

„Say yes!" they both screamed at the same time.

„Okay guys, no need to scream at me." we laughed.

„No seriously, he's a really great guy Soul. I think you two are going to be great friends and who knows what time will bring.." nezza smirked.

*to @seaveydaniel
"I'm down. I'll send you my address as soon as I'm home.☺️"

{a/n: Hope you like this chapter!😘}

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