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Souline's POV*

"I knew I heard someone outside." Gabriela's eyes meeting mine immediately.

By the look on her face, I could tell she wasn't really happy to find me standing in the hallway to their apartment door, but maybe that was just my imagination.

"I didn't know we were having guests tonight." she smiled looking at Daniel and then Jack.

"Yeah no. We were just helping jack. Your man had some more drinks tonight and I wanted to make sure he would make it here. We wanted to say hi and head back home." Daniel explained.

"Is that so?" She looked at jack and smiled.

"I'm sorry babe. The drinking games got a little too wild." he held his hands up in defense.

"It's fine. I'm glad you guys had a good time." her eyes meeting mine again. "Why don't you guys just come in already? Let's not wake the neighbors up." she laughed.

Daniel looked at me. It seemed like he was waiting for my reaction.

"I think we should head back home now that Jack's home safe. It's already pretty late and I don't want to wake Lavender up." I tried to not look at Gabriela.

"What no! Come on in. There could be an earthquake and this little girl would not wake up, trust me." she smiled at me.

This was the first time that she smiled at me and it was a genuine smile.

"It looks like you were about to go to bed, are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, now come in you guys. I'll make you some tea."

I can't believe I agreed on this. I'm in Gabriela's and Jack's apartment even though this girl seemed to hate my guts the first time we met. Why do I always get myself into weird situations like this?

"Dude Daniel! I haven't shown you my new gaming equipment have I? It's dope! Come on I'll show you." Jack walked into the direction of some room. "We'll be back in a minute ladies." he added.

Daniel gave me the look that asked "are you okay with that?".
I nodded and smiled in return. I mean what else would I do? I can't say "no Daniel, please stay with me! I don't want to be alone with Gabriela right now." Or can I? Of course I can't.
So when Daniel and Jack went into Jack's room to look at this new gaming equipment he got, it left Gabriela and I alone in the living room. Hella weird. Never felt more uncomfortable. Imagine being in a room with someone that definitely doesn't like you and not knowing what to say or what to do.

"Do you want some tea?" Gabriela asked politely.

"Ehm, yeah sure if you don't mind?"

"Of course not. What kind of tea do you want? I have a lot of options." she asked walking over to the kitchen that was part of the living room.

"Oh I don't care. Surprise me." I smiled.

When I stood up from the couch, I noticed the view from her balcony. The view was incredible. You could see the ocean and hear the waves.

"Wow! The view is amazing. I can only imagine waking up to this view every single morning." I was stunned.

"Right? I'm so happy about the view. I'm such an ocean girl I need the ocean close to me." she told me while pouring our tea into the cups.

"Really? I feel the same way about the ocean. I'm not as lucky as you are to get to wake up to the ocean every single day, but I love and need the ocean. When I feel like the world is crumbling down in front of my eyes and nothing makes sense at the moment, I go and just sit in front of the ocean and listen to the ocean and enjoy the view. It's therapeutic and gives me strength in some kind of way." I explained.

I was surprised that I told her about it.

"I know exactly what you mean." she handed me my cup of tea. "Let's drink our tea on the balcony and enjoy the waves. I think the boys will need more than just a few minutes." She laughed.

"Typical boys." I shrugged.

We sat down at the table and took in the breeze of the ocean. It was quiet for a few minutes.

"Hey, I wanted to apologize for how I acted when we first met. At that time, Jack and I had to fix a lot of issues in our relationship and I got insecure when I saw you. You're a really pretty girl and he seemed to really like you. I'm sorry." she confessed.

She thinks I'm pretty?

"Oh that. Yeah it's fine. I already forgot about that. Don't worry about it. I probably would have reacted the same way if some girl I don't know talked to my boyfriend." I smiled.

"No really, I'm so embarrassed about that. Jack really likes you, I can see that. I mean how could he not? You're so nice. Everyone likes you."

"What stop. You're being crazy. Who's everyone?" I laughed.

"I mean Daniel has been hanging out without you a lot and I've seen post on Instagram and Twitter and how they talk about you and just love you. I don't think I've seen any negative comment about you." she explained to me, her face expression changing a bit.

"What? I bet there are some negative comments about me as well. I can guarantee you that. Trust me. There will always be bad ones where good ones are."

"Just look under your posts on Instagram or pictures you have been tagged in. They love you and it takes a lot of work for why don't we fans to love you, trust me."

Does that mean she's been on my Instagram, checking out my posts? Kind of weird, because we don't even follow each other.

"I honestly never check out my comments. It's just something I don't do. I only get notifications when the people I follow comment something." I confessed to her.

"You don't? Like never?" she asked surprised.

"No. I mean all of my friends are practically YouTubers or at least influencers and I've seen how negativity on social media from complete strangers can effect them. So, when I started hanging out with them and more people started following me and commenting on my posts, I got scared that it could maybe get to me as well. That's why I turned it off. Also I really don't care about all of that. I just post pictures of my life, of things I love, enjoy and want for people to get inspired and spread positivity." I explained to her.

"I wish I could be more like you when it comes to that." she said taking a sip of her tea and looking at the ocean.

"What do you mean?.." I asked curious.

"You don't know? Thought Daniel might have told you about it."

"No I don't." I got really curious now.

"Well.." she started.

{a/n: Hope you like this chapter! 😘}

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