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*Souline's POV

Daniel and I arrived and parked the car in front of Corey's house. He got out of the car and walked over to my side. I tried everything I could, but Daniel's stubborn and won't stop opening the door for me. Don't get me wrong, it's the sweetest thing a guy ever did for me, but I don't see why he needs to do it every single time. People start thinking I'm some crazy arrogant bitch who can't open the door for herself so she lets her boyfriend do it. I mean friend. Friend. He's my friend. My best friend, not my boyfriend.

"Daniel, you really don't have to do this ever single time you pick me up or bring me somewhere. I'm being serious. God didn't give me two hands for nothing." he just laughed at the last part of my sentence. „Don't you laugh Mr. Seavey. I'm being completely serious here." I punched him.

"I know I don't have to but I want to. You deserve it babe." he smiled and soon realized what he just said and shook his head. "I'm sorry, it just slipped. I didn't mean to call you that." I could see him blush a little.

"It's fine. I think it was cute." I smirked "Is someone blushing?" I pushed his arm slightly.

"You wish little lady." he gave me a long side hug.

"Hey Mister." I frowned. "Don't make fun of my height, that's rude." I pouted my lips. "I would rather have you call me babe than little lady."

Oh god. Did I really just say that out loud.

"Yes you have." he laughed.

"I really have to stop thinking out loud. " I shook my head in embarrassment.

Daniel just had the biggest smirk on his face.

"You know, maybe one day I will." he looked down to his feet.

"Wait what? I'm confused. What do you mean?" I looked at him with question marks all over my face.

Wait. Was he referring to my sentence before, where I told him I would rather have him call me babe than little lady? That's the only possibility.

"Forget it." he tried to brush it off but I could not let this slight.

"No Daniel. I want to know. Pleaseeeee." I begged, but before he could open his mouth, Corey swung open the door giving the both of us a big hug.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeey my friends. Glad you came." he almost yelled.

The second we got in a worried nezza came running over to hug me.

„Nezz, are you okay?"

„Am I okay? Are you okay? Jack told us about what happened at the gym. I swear if I ever see that douchebag ima kick his balls to mars." she demonstrated her kick.

Jack? Jack told her? How?

„How in the hell did he tell you? Did you see him today?" I raised an eyebrow.

„No he's here." she pointed behind her. „Look."

I think my jaw almost dropped. We haven't seen him in a month and today he decides to join us? Today? Why? Out of all days?

„What is she talking about? You said gym was great?" Daniel Interrupted our conversation.

„Some douchebag harassed her and jack happened to walk into the gym the exact same moment and helped her out." Nezza answered for me.

I didn't know what to say. Daniel shook his head in disbelief and just walked off without saying anything.

„Daniel." I yelled after him, but no reaction.

„I'm so sorry.. I thought he knew. Go after him babes."

Nezza was right. I went outside to the pool area because that's where I saw him go to. When I walked out I saw him sitting on one of the couches outside. One of the lights went on and Daniel looked over but immediately looked away when he saw me. Was it really bothering him that much? I mean I didn't tell anyone about it? Not just him?

„Daniel..I'm sorry."

No response. He just stared at the floor.

„Daniel.. please talk to me."

Again no response.

„I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I told nobody about it. This dude was being rude and annoying and jack happened to be at the gym and helped me out. It's really no big deal. I could've helped myself trust me. It's really really really no big deal." I leaned my head against his shoulder.

Again no response. He just turned his head into the opposite direction of where my head leaned against his shoulder.

„Daniel what the hell? Why are you mad at me? I apologized and explained? What else do you want me to do? I don't think I even have to apologize because it's my choice and if I don't feel like telling anyone then it's totally fine."

„You didn't just not tell me, you lied to me about it Soul..I hate lying more than anything else and you know that."  he finally spoke up.

„Oh thank god, I was afraid you forgot how to speak." I tried to make him laugh, but not a single muscle on his face moved. „I just don't get it." I sighed. „The last time you ignored me was because of Jack and now you're ignoring me again and he is part of the story.. Does it have anything to do with him?"

„You don't get it, do you?" he finally looked me straight in the eyes.

„How can I when you don't talk to me? You're ignoring me instead of fixing the issue?" I let my torso fall back, my back leaning against the pillows. „Daniel talk to me? What is going on? What do I not get?"

He took a deep breath.

„I like you Soul." he let his head fall into his hands.

I know that you like me? That's not the point though. I want to know why you're acting all weird?"

„Souline.. you really don't get it?" he sighed. „I like you. I really like you Soul."

He likes me?

{a/n: Hope you like this chapter!😘}

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