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*Jack's POV

"So, the Cheetos girl is also an amazing dancer, huh? Need help?" I smiled, holding my hand out to help Souline get up.

She looked confused and surprised as soon as she realized it was me. She didn't say a word and just looked at my hand for a while before taking it.

"Ehm.. Thank you. What are you doing here? Oh wait. Dumb question. You're clearly here for the exact same reason as everyone here. Why else woud you be here on this beautiful evening? I'm sorry. I should just stop talking." she had to catch her breath.

"Everything okay?" I asked a little concerned, but with a smile.

"No. I mean yes. YES! Everything's fine. I mean why wouldn't it be? It's a great day, great evening with great people. I'm all good. Having the best time." her cheeks turned into a sweet rosé.

"Hey. Slow do-" I was suddenly interrupted by my girlfriend Gabriela hugging me from behind.

"Babe, I was looking for you. Need your help with something. Oh.. I hope I didn't interrupt your chat." she said while looking Souline up and down. "I'm Gabriela by the way. Everyone calls me Gabbie. I'm Jack's girlfriend." she added while taking my hand into hers and leaning her head onto my shoulder as if she was trying to proof to Souline that I'm hers. "We haven't met, haven't we?"

"No, we haven't. I'm Souline. Was really nice meeting you Gabriela. I.. I have to go tough. The girls are waiting for me. Sorry. Have a great night you two." and with that, she just walked past us.

I just looked at Gabbie in disbelief.

"Dude Gabbie, what exactly was that?"

"What was what? What do you mean? I was looking for you?" she gave me a confused look.

"No, I mean all this touchy touchy stuff you did as soon you saw Souline talking to me?" I furrowed my brows.

"Jack, you're being crazy right now. I always do this." She took both of my hands and looked up at me.

"If you say so. It just seemed weird to me, as if you were tying to proof something to her. That I'm yours or something."

"I don't have any reason to do that. I know your mine. I don't see any competition in her, you're being crazy Jack. I mean we're a family, we have Lavender." she tried to explain herself.

"I didn't say anything about Soul being your competition, you said that." I said annoyed.

"Oh, so you're calling her Soul already?" she let go of my hands and took a step back.

"Gabriela, it's her name?" I furrowed my brows.

"Looks like you guys are already pretty close if you're allowed to call her by her nickname huh?" she crossed her arms.

"I knew something was up the moment you started all this touchy thing. I met Souline yesterday for your information. She's part of the Squad, Gabbie. Relax and let's not do this here.. not right now, please." I suggested.

"Great, then let's go home. I don't want to be here anymore."

"Are you being serious right now?  I'm staying. If you want to go home, do it. I'm not gonna let you ruin my first night out with the Squad, because of some stupid drama you decided to start as always." I blurted out.

Gabriela just looked at me and then turned around to leave. I was not going to follow her. It's always the same drama with her and her stupid jealousy. Am I not allowed to talk to my friends when they're female?

*Souline's POV

Why do I have a thing for curly haired guys with a cute smile? Everything would be so much easier if I just didn't like guys at all. Guys just make your life so much more complicated. Why did he have to help me get up? I'm an independent woman, I don't need a man to help me do shit.
Oh and then there's his wonderful girlfriend who just couldn't stand the fact of me talking to her man, so she decided to get all touchy in front of me, to show me he's not available. I mean girl? Come on? I think I already figured that out myself. Thanks for the reminder.
I'm not saying Gabriela isn't a great girl, but she definitely acted hella fake during our first encounter, with all of her fake smiling. Did she really see a competition here? They have a baby? The have a baby together? I would never get inbetween them? I don't even want to date a man who already has a child, I just couldn't do that and I definitely wouldn't want her around if I'm being honest.

I just couldn't be around her anymore. Her presence was giving me hella weird vibes. I'm all about good and genuine vibes. I just went off to find my girls, I needed someone to distract me.

There's just something about Jack. I don't know what it is, but we met yesterday and he's already doing something to me and I need this to stop.

"Hey, you good? I saw Jack coming up to you?" Nezza asked when I walked up to her.

"I don't know. Honestly ask his amazing girlfriend Gabriela, who can't seem to stop touching him." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh so you met her then?"

"I mean, did I have any other choice? She just appeared out of nowhere the second we started talking." I fake laughed.

"Souline, I love you and I'm your friend. I have to be honest..I know you think he's cute and he totally is your type, but--"

"But he's taken, has a baby and a whole family. I know, I know." I sighed.

"I know it sucks when you're attracted to someone, you know you'll never have a chance with." she hugged me. "But other moms have attractive sons too.." she said which made me laugh.

"It's fine. I'm used to it. I just need some fresh air I guess. The alcohol isn't helping right now."

"You want me to come with you?" she suggested.

"No, I just need like 10 minutes to myself and then I'm all good. But, thank you." I hugged her and went outside to just breathe.

I went outside and just leaned against their fence to relax and watched the stars. The world is so beautiful. The sky is the limit right?

"Need some fresh air as well?" my thoughts got interrupted.

{a/n: Hope you like this chapter!😘}

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