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*Daniel's POV

We decided to spend the rest of the night at our house with everyone and Oscar decided we should drink again. I'm not quite sure if I'm ready to drink after last night, I think I pass tonight. The boys and I were the first ones to arrive at the house. I mean girls usually drive more carefully and follow the speed limit. While we started to prepare snacks and drinks, my phone rang.

It was Anna.

"Hey, what's up?" I answered the phone a bit confused on why she would call me at this time.

"Hey, am I calling at a bad time? Do you have 5 minutes for me?" she asked.

"Of course? Did something happen?" I was worried.

"You do like Soul right? Like you really like her don't you? Mom told me you're about to ask her to be your girlfriend." the voice in her tone changed.

"Yeah, why? Do you have a problem with that?" I was confused as hell.

"You know I love Soul, she's amazing." she paused.

"But?" I wanted to know what was going on.

"So, Gabbie clearly told me about her and Jack's break up and she might have send me something you should see before you think about asking her out." she explained.

"Anna, I don't understand?" I sat down.

"Just answer one question. Do you know Soul and Jack hang out today and some weeks ago?"

"They didn't." I stated.

"Just look at the pictures Gabbie got tagged in by fans today and send to me. You know I love you and I freaking adore Soul, but you're my brother and I got to make sure the person you let into your heart, has the same intentions as you do. Love you, Bye." she hang up.

I opened the pictures Anna has sent me and to say I was disappointed and angry was an understatement. Fans posted pictures together with Jack and Soul from weeks ago. They even took pictures without both of them knowing.
Oh and then, there are pictures from today. Pictures with Jack and fans at the beach while he holds some ice cream, plus secretly taken pictures of them walking around the beach together, eating their ice cream together.
I don't get it. Why would she lie to me? Why? I honestly would've been fine if she just told me the truth. I get that she doesn't have to tell me everything all the time, but she clearly lied to me about today. She lied to me about this topic that almost ruined everything we had.
I should've listened to my guts. I knew she was acting all weird when I called her. She normally pics up my facetime calls no matter where she is and doesn't care about others potentially hearing our conversation. I honestly don't now what to do. I planned this whole day for us and then she lies to me?

"Yoooo Daniel, you drinking?" Oscar screamed.

I wasn't going to drink but after what I just saw I might just change my mind and have some fun with the boys.

"Hell yeah I am."

*Souline's POV

When we arrived at the Seavey house, the boys were already going hard. The music was blasting and they were taking some shots. Even Daniel was drinking which got me a bit confused because he clearly told me he wasn't going to drink tonight.

Hey you're drinking?" I wrapped my arms around Daniel.

„Do you have a problem with that?"

„Ehm, no. Of course not." his response confused me. „You just told me you wouldn't, that's all."

Well, I changed my mind. I don't think I have to tell you everything do I? Just like you don't think you have to tell me about your secret little rendezvous with jack, my love." he took a shot, removed my arms and walked away from me like that.

„Hold up! You can't just walk away from me like this without letting me explain."

„Explain?" he almost screamed turning everyone's attention to us. „What is there to explain Soul? You lying to me? Again?"

The music was still blasting, while everyone else got quiet.

„How did you even find out about it?"

„If you want to keep this a secret, at least go somewhere you won't meet fans, Soul." he shook his head in disappointment. „They take pictures. They always take pictures, even if you don't notice."

„I wasn't trying to keep it a secret."

„Can you like stop lying for once? You didn't answer my FaceTime call, instead you just picked up normally. I knew you were acting all weird. Just stop." he turned around. „Sorry guys, just forget what just happened and continue the party." he added.

„Stop walking away and let me explain. I wanted to tell you. I really wanted to." I shouted.

I don't want to hear it about it. We wouldn't be in this situation if you decided to be honest the moment I called you." a disappointed smile forming on his lips. „I knew the moment I saw you two on the beach that your heart was already taken by someone else. I had this slight hope I could make you change your mind to want me instead, but now I know there was no chance for me." he started walking towards his room and opened the door, but stopped when I started talking.

„Well thank you. You're just like everyone else. You would rather lose me than try to fix the situation." I felt the tears streaming down.

He just stood there, holding the doorknob in one hand. He wanted to say something, but then just walked in and shut his door close.

What have I done?

„Soul..." Franny grabbed my hands.

„No, I can't. Sorry guys. Just continue the party, I have to leave." I said grabbing my purse.

„Soul, I drove us here." Franny screamed after me.

„I'll walk or take an Uber. I need to be alone."

{a/n: I hope you guys like this chapter. Have a blessed weekend.🦋}

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