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*Daniel's POV

"We need to talk, about what happened.." she said with a serious look on her face.

„What exactly do you mean? The boyfriend thing yesterday? because if you do mean that, I still remember everything so don't worry about it, I meant everything I said." I gently kissed the top of her hand.

„No, I know that. I was actually talking about the thing with jack.." her eyes slowly wandering away from mine.

I knew that sooner or later, we would have to talk about it, but I hoped we would just let it go and not let it get into our ways.

I mean sure.. we can do that, if you want to.."

Do you not want to talk about it?" she asked.

I just wanted to forget about it and never talk about that day again if I'm being honest, but I guess we have to talk about it if we want this to work out." I looked down at my hands.

Hey look at me. We don't have to make this a big thing again, but I think it's necessary for me to tell you what was going on in my head that day." she paused. „I know I disappointed you and your trust, but to be honest, I didn't know what was going on myself. I'm not going to lie to you.. he made me feel something. I liked being around him, but I knew whatever I was feeling was wrong and he knew that too."

„So you have feelings for him?" I asked hoping for one specific answer.

„Wait. Let me finish." she took my hand.

„I honestly don't know how I deserve you. Any other guy would've dropped me already and never talked to me ever again, but you still gave me a chance. Maybe I had some feelings for him and maybe I still do, but those feelings could never compare to the feelings and the love I have for you." she took my head into her hands. „You're amazing Daniel and I only want you and I knew it that day on the beach. You were crossing my mind the whole time and that's why I told him he couldn't kiss me..because of you."

A part of me was relieved that she wanted to be with me and not jack, but the other half of me was still afraid she could change her mind the second she sees him again, because her feelings are stronger than she thought they were. But for right now this was enough for me. I wanted to enjoy what we have right now and stop thinking about what can happen instead of living the moment.

"You're cute, you know that?" My nose touching her nose.

"I mean I've been told that quite often." she started grinning.

I kissed her gently, wanting this moment to never pass.

"Okay, now I have to make us some breakfast." and with that she ran into the kitchen.

*Souline's POV

I was making some bacon and eggs, when Christian walked into the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen isle.

"Okay, quick question." he started.

"What is it?"

"You're going to the gym with me." he stated.

"That wasn't a question." I laughed.

"Right, because I don't take no for an answer."

"Christian, I'm literally wearing Daniels clothes because I have nothing with me. I'm definitely not going to work out in his clothes as well." I put some eggs and bacon onto a plate and handed it to Christian.

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