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*Souline's POV

"Need some fresh air as well?" my thoughts got interrupted.

I turned around only too see Jack sitting on the bench the guys had in their front yard.

„Yeah, got pretty hot in there." I looked back at the stars.

„Do you mind if I join you over there?" he asked.

"Ehm.. yeah, sure why not." I knew this was a bad idea, but something inside of me wanted to talk to him.

He leaned against the fence and just looked at the sky. We stood there in silence for like three minutes.

"Sorry for Gabriela. I don't know what got into her. She's normally not like that." He interrupted our silence.

"You don't have to apologize. She didn't do anything wrong. I mean you are her boyfriend, she just got a little defensive, because she didn't know me." I tried to convince him and myself.

"Yeah.. right, her boyfriend.." he lowered his voice and looked down.

"Are you okay? Is everything fine between you and Gabriela?" I finally looked at him. His face proved to me that something was definitely wrong.

"She went home. We got into a fight." he sighed.

"Oh..So why are you still here then?"

"It's just always the same. There's drama all the time and I'm just sick of it. It's my first night out with everyone after the tour and I really wanted to have a good night and yet she still found a way to ruin it for me. It's just not the way it was once. Everything changed and not for the better." he explained.

"Oh.. I'm really sorry for that. Change can be scary, but it's part of our every day life..Ehm.. I'm not a parent, but what I heard and witnessed from my parents and family is that becoming a parent will change you in the craziest way ever. Just give Gabriela time or at least try for your baby girl. At the end of the day, there is something great that came out of this.. Lavender."

"I know and she makes me the happiest man alive.. it's just really hard I guess with me touring the world, being a good dad and keeping a relationship going. I love Lavender more than anything else in this world, but I'm also still a young man trying to figure out his place in this big world.. Feels like people expect me to stay home all the damn time since I became a dad and I think Gabriela thinks that as well."  he took a deep breath. "Dude, I would do anything for Lavender, but does being a dad mean I can't go out with my friends and enjoy life like anyone when their 19? I mean I still spend most of my time with Lavender, of course! She's my daughter. Just feels like Gabriela believes it's just her and Lavender in my life an no one else. My friends and family are also really important to me, especially because I don't get to see them as much, because of tour and because I'm a dad now. " he looked away.

"Are you crazy Jack?? Whoever thinks that is practically an idiot and immature! It's your life Jack! You get to decide how you want to live it. I mean you can't be out every single night, but you still can go out. Anyone can see the love you have for Lavender. I met you yesterday and I already know. And Gabriela.. well I personally don't know her, but I can't even imagine what she's been trough. Caring a baby for 9 months while still being a teenager and having to tell thousands of people about it, also having your boyfriend on tour and not home with you while you go trough different changes emotionally.. It scares and changes you. You can't blame her.. just give her time and talk about it. If you guys are meant for each other and your love for each other is strong enough, nothing can come between that." I smiled at him.

"You have a heart out of gold, you know that? The way you stand up for Gabriela, even though she obviously didn't show you her best side before." he smiled at me.

"Like I said.. I don't know her and maybe we just met on a bad night, but what I know is that she's a strong woman. You both are strong. I really mean it. Trust me it will get better, even if you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel right now, you will. "

"Soooooooul? Are you out there?" Nezza yelled interrupting this whole atmosphere.

"Yes, I'm over here. Why?" I yelled back.

"We really need you inside."

"Yeah give me a minute okay?"  I could see her big curly hair nod and close the door. 

"Okay, I'll guess I just head back inside. Do you want to come with me?"  I asked.

"No, I'll just need a few more minutes outside." I nodded and took my first step to the house when I suddenly felt Jack pull me back by my hand so I faced him. 

We just stood there facing each other. His face inches away from mine. My heart started racing like crazy. It felt like this typical movie scene, where you want to leave, he pulls you back and you end up kissing each other. 

"Thank you. Thank you for listening." he broke the silence, still staring deeply into my eyes.

I just stood there completely frozen. Having him this close to me was doing something to my body, I could not explain. 

All of a sudden, Jack starting leaning in. 

Is he trying to kiss me? I mean what else would he be leaning in for? It felt like my heart was about to jump out of my chest. Would I kiss him back? I mean I wouldn't mind, but I CAN'T, he has a family. I gotta stop. 

Suddenly I felt a kiss on my cheek. He kissed my cheek. How freaking cute is this? How could I even think he was going to kiss me on my lips? Jack would never cheat on Gabriela, that's not the type of  guy he is. I'm so stupid. I have to get him out of my mind or else I'll end up in drama.

"I hope you and Gabriela figure it all out." I said, removing my hand from his hand and walking to the house.

Before I opened the door, I turned around one last time, only to find him looking at me as well.

{a/n: Hope you like this chapter!😘}

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