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*Souline's POV
Is this the best idea? No, definitely not. Do I need it right now? Yes, definitely. If I'll go home now.. I will find millions of reasons to not talk to any guy ever again after what just happened at the gym and we definitely do not want for that to happen, because the majority of my friends are guys. I know not every guy is like the one at the gym. My guy friends would never act this way around a woman, like ever. Jack proved it as well. Its just annoying and you lose hope in all mankind when you experience such harassment yourself, when men forget about respect and treat woman like objects. It's sad, but the bitter reality.

The beach was only aa five minute drive from the gym, so it was short and pretty quiet. Jack found a parking spot and we just took our phones, some water and his car keys with us.

„I'm warning you.. I can't run fast for a long period of time or else I'll die within 3 minutes. I'm a fast sprinter, but jogging means running for more than 20 seconds and it will kill me.. believe me." I explained to Jack.

„Okay, I promise to jog at the same speed as you. Deal?" he laughed while holding his hand out. I nodded and shook his hand „Deal.".

We have been jogging for a while already to the point where we already started jogging back to where we started from and we talked a lot. Well, he talked most of the time. I was busy with breathing so I don't die.

„Want to take a break?" he looked at me. I tried to look normal, like this jog wasn't killing me at all.

What? A break? No, noooo, I'm fine. In case you want to take a break then sure." I lied.

Okay, I'm fine. We don't have to take a break." he tried to suppress a smile. He knew I was dying inside.

„I hate you. You were supposed to say: „Oh Soul, of course I want to take a break. Your endurance is just way better than mine. Can we please, please take a break?", so I don't have to admit that I'm about to collapse right here right now." I stopped and pretended to faint on the bench next to us.

„Why haven't I met you earlier. Your humor is everything." he laughed and sat next to me on the bench.

Well, thank you Mr. I'll take this funny girl on a jog, so she almost dies." I jokingly pushed his arm. „How have you been though? We haven't seen each other since the party." I looked down to my feet.

„Pretty good to be honest. What about you? I saw you and Daniel hang out a lot lately?"  he was lying. I could see it in his eyes, but I was not gonna ask him about it. I know he doesn't want to talk about it right now and I accept it.

„Yeah, I guess he's the reason I got a membership at the gym. I wasn't really taking care and time for myself, expect when it came to dancing. Daniel kind of opened my eyes. I gotta push work back a little and focus more on myself." I smiled at him.

„I'm happy you two get along. He's a great guy." There was a sudden change in his tone.

OMG JACK!! Can..can we like you know take a picture with you. Only if you don't mind of course. OMG I can't believe this is happing right now." a fan interrupted us. They are called called limelight's. I still have to ask Daniel how the name came about.

„Yeah, yeah. Of course. Nice to meet you girls. What are your names?" he embraced both of them into a hug. It was really sweet. His smile was so wide and genuine.

„I'm Ashley and this is my little sister, she has your girlfriends name: Gabbie." Ashley explained with the biggest grin on her face.

Something in Jacks expression changed the second he heard Gabbie's name. This genuine, real smile was gone. Something was bothering him. I just don't know what to do. It's not my business and he said everything's fine. I have to believe him don't I?

„Come on, I'll take the pictures. I'm a really good photographer, I swear." I suggested to which they all agreed.

After I took their pictures, I noticed Gabbie staring at me like crazy while Jack talked to Ashley.

„Aren't you Souline? I see you a lot in Bobby's vlogs and everyone's videos or stories." she asked super shy with her cheeks turning red.

„Yes, that's me. Really nice to meet you sweetheart."

„Can I please take a picture with you?" she asked politely with her cheeks still red.

„I mean if you really want to, then yes. I'm just not as exciting as this superstar over there." I pointed at jack to which he just stuck his tongue out and smiled.

„You make Bobby's vlogs so much more entertaining. Everyone loves your humor. You're really funny and real." she grinned at me.

„Who's everyone?" I asked confused.

„Do you never check the comments under Bobby's vlogs? Everyone loves you. You should start your own YouTube channel." she explained.

Do they really enjoy seeing me in Bobby's video? I mean I know I'm funny, but am I actually that funny? I really have never checked the comments under Bobby's videos. I mean why would I? I thought about starting my own YouTube channel though.

„That's what I told her. She's hilarious." Jack came over. „Come on I'll take the picture." he took Gabbie's phone.

„Ashley can you maybe take the picture so Jack can join us." Gabbie suggested to which Jack's face lost the smile he had on his face before her suggestion.

What was crossing his mind at this exact moment? Something was definitely going on and I was not sure if I should ask him about it.

„Yeah sure, I can take the picture." Ashley tried to take Gabbie's phone, but Jack didn't let her.

What was going on?

Jack?" I asked. „Give her the phone and come over here. I think you already had too much sun today, you're starting to act weird." I joked.

„No, it's fine. I'll take the picture."

{a/n: Hope you like this chapter!😘}

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