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"and that will be, $73.87." kenzie said, then the man gave her his card, which she swiped and then handed him it back. "here's your receipt sir. thank you for shopping at goldie's boutique." kenzie smiled as he left, then immediately threw up in the bathroom. the strong cologne made Kenzie incredibly nauseous, like terribly.

she was working at a boutique downtown, which paid $20 an hour, and she worked 5 days a week, 7 hours a day. it was a pretty good pay and the owner was nice, since there were only 2 employees, kenzie and natasha.

emily was working at a trader joe's, mostly because johnny was working at the farm and they needed more money. even when her parents are helping, they still need money. emily hated her job. she loved having free lunch every wednesday, when carol, another teen, would make delicious food, this week was cinnamon rolls.

but she absolutely hated the break room. the smell just threw her off. it was better than popcorn though, popcorn made her immediately make her way to the bathroom.

annie was working at nike in the mall. she was always on her feet behind the counter, which sucked since her feet were getting swollen. annie loved her job, especially since the guy who worked next to her was hot. she's 17 and he's 18, so the hot dreams happen. like a lot. it was common for women to experience horniness, which annie was definitely feeling.

annie actually was starting to show, same with emily. Kenzie was showing the most, obviously, and now no matter what she wore in her closet, her bump showed. they were getting close to finding out the gender. each were going to do a different way. annie's was confetti poppers. emily was doing the cake, and kenzie was doing to the balloon, well balloons. it was just going to be family, and johnny's sisters since his parents still don't acknowledge him. they were gonna do the blood test, to find out the genders in a few days.

they were all exhausted by 5, when they all met up at emily's guest house. johnny made pasta, his italian side coming out. it was cheap and they got free tomatoes and eggs from the farm. "this look delicious." emily said, then kissed johnny's cheek.

"i made lots more, i know there are 4 babies as well." johnny said, then handed annie and kenzie a plastic bag with Tupperware. "these are filled with pastas emily likes, and i hope you like them. ravioli, spaghetti, and more. this will last you 5 days of lunches." johnny said, then the girls thanked him and the group of teens ate.

afterwards, they watched a movie till 11. kenzie and annie left, separately. "i told you i want a divorce! god lilia, now!" she heard her sister yell, all the way from her room. "it was a mistake. you told me you had cancer. you're perfectly healthy, besides the fact that you're a bitch!" kenzie stood by the door, watching since her sister didn't see her yet, until maddie saw kenzie in the reflection of her body mirror. "i guess you heard."

"who's lilia?" kenzie asked, as she went over to sit by maddie on her couch. "you told me, why not mom and greg?"

"because! you're my sister, and to tell my sister, hey, i like girls. is much easier than telling your parents i'm gay." maddie said, then rested her head on kenzie's shoulder.

"it's been 6 years. i was eleven when i saw you and ally kissing in your room when you were 13. you told me then, 13 girlfriends later and still haven't told them." kenzie said. "look at me! i made a pact with two people i barley knew at the time to get pregnant. and i did. you'll probably get greg going to those marches and mom will be making pride shirts." kenzie laughed, making her sister laugh too. "now about lilia."

"we were dating, for 2 years. she was in england for school. she graduated a year early, so she's a year ahead in school. anyway, she and i were constantly on the phone, talking, and last year when i moved, she transferred to NYU with me. she proposed after telling me she had cancer, she didn't. we got married, but, i found out the truth. then i heard about you and, well it felt like an opening." maddie said, a large weight lifted.

"tomorrow, i'm telling mom and greg about the babies' father. you will tell them about you liking girls. like how could they not tell? did they really think you liked twilight that much?" kenzie joked, then kissed her sister's forehead and hugged her.

"who is the baby's father?" maddie asked, thinking she knew who's the babies were.

"i don't know." kenzie answered, truthfully.

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