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"annie! breakfast is getting cold!" annie put down the ultrasound—wiping away a tear.

"i love you baby." annie whispered, then turned, and went to hayley. "yum, that looks delicious."

"learned it in school." hayley said, then scooped some pasta on her sister's plate.

"it's spaghetti, everyone knows how to make that." annie scoffed.

"well it's food. and you don't seem to cook so, i will." annie chuckled, then in came their mom. "hey mom."

"hi girls." katie was tired, stressed and hungry. she's been working so much to keep up with annie's medical bills.

"wow hayley, this is good." annie moaned at the delicious taste.

"how's you but everything?" katie asked, grabbing a plate for herself.

"mr. timothy let me have the ingredients, there were leftovers from class." hayden told her, "the tomatoes are fresh from our garden at school."

"you should garden home." annie suggested.

"where? our bathroom?" hayley laughed.

"our terrace, just get a few pots. tomatoes can grow in a pot." annie said, then hurried up and finished, "i'm gonna go shower."

"and don't take all of the hot water!" hayley shouted as annie went to her room.

"babe! dinner's ready!" emily called out, waiting for her boyfriend to come down. her baby started crying, "oh baby, mommy's here." their daughter's name was allison, after emily's great grandmother. "babe!"

"coming, coming." johnny groaned, coming down the stairs. "i was working."

"you're always working." emily groaned, then put down allison. "now, hurry and eat. i spent hours on this meal."

life wasn't perfect. it was a huge struggle. emily's parents are strict, always have been. they allow emily and john stay in the guest house. but john and emily have to buy their own groceries, toiletries, clothes, everything. their neighbors, mr and mrs thornton are retired and babysit allison while emily and john work since emily's brothers are too young.

a knock on the door surprised them. "mom?" emily called, guessing it was her. she opened the door, "what are you doing here?"

mackenzie sighed, "i just talked with annie, she told me you guys dropped out?"

"johnny did, i don't know yet." emily said, looking at the ground. she cleared her throat, "why are you here?"

"i brought somethings, i don't need them." mackenzie came in, bringing some bags inside. "diapers, these are some my twin's grew out of. then here are some clothes for, um," mackenzie didn't even know what their baby's name was, "your child. then, some bottles, my twins hate these guy i can't return them. oh and clothes my ivana grew out of."


"well ivana grows super fast-"

"no why us? we've treated you like crap." emily asked, and mackenzie cleared her throat, and put her hands on her side.

"because, just because you've treated me like crap, doesn't mean i don't care for your baby, what ever her name is." mackenzie sighed, "i'm living a perfect life right now. i have two beautiful, healthy, babies. i have a loving family that helps me with everything. and i am in love with my boyfriend who treats my kids amazingly, even if they aren't his."

"your point is?"

"it's been a year already, since we met." emily let out a sigh, and looked at the calendar, "we're not friends anymore, but i wanted to bring you these things because i know it's been a struggle."

"emily? who is it?" johnny called, from upstairs.

"mackenzie!" emily yelled, and johnny rushes down.

"mackenzie?" johnny walked up, his hair was wet and messy, he just got out of the shower not long. "what are you doing here?"

"just dropping off something's. bye." mackenzie turned around, and started walking, you need to tell him! one part of her said dont! he doesn't deserve them!

she turned her head, seeing the door was closed and saw johnny upstairs, sitting at his desk. then she saw emily, go up to him and place their baby in his arms. he smiled, playing with her, then gave emily a kiss. one full of passion and love. mackenzie left. never turning back.

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