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kenzie was almost nine months along. she and emily and johnny completely stopped contact. mackenzie still goes to therapy. her and annie are close, since annie still goes with emily and johnny for school. "fuck, shit." mackenzie groaned, getting false labor pains.

she put her legs up, and drank water, which should help with false labor pains, but instead mackenzie felt another. this time worse. she called maddie immediately.

"i'll be right there!" maddie rushes over, in about 5 minutes. she helped mackenzie into the car, then they arrived at the hospital.

"you're definitely in labor. but only at 4 centimeters. enough to be here but, we need to be at 10 centimeters." mackenzie ended up getting an epidural. the pain was terrible.


liked by bitchyanns, maddiezieg, and 1,937 otherskenz

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liked by bitchyanns, maddiezieg, and 1,937 others
kenz.ziegler 9 months in & it's time finally 👶🏻 👶🏻

francis.leo how long you have left?
kenz.frances well now they're saying i might do a c-section instead

freckledharry emily and annie are barley 8 months how can you be 9 months

harley.leo praying for you❤️ hope you have a nice and safe delivery
kenz.frances thank you harley

maddie.orlando congrats! will they get the baby daddy's name?
kenz.ziegler no they won't, i don't want their last name to be a city in florida😂
francine.222 wait thought ashton's last name was arab?

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luckily, mackenzie didn't need a c-section. after hours of labor, at 3:44 am on march 18th, her babies were born. after an hour and 13 minutes of pushing, almost breaking maddie's hands, she was done.

"oh my." she breathed out, as her son came out after his sister. he was taken right by his sister to get cleaned up. "they're here." she cried, happily as they were getting her cleaned up, and the babies.

right when she saw them, she knew they were the loves of her life. "here they are." the doctor handed them to her. so small, so precious.

mackenzie was crying even more, so were her mom and maddie. "hi my loves." she whispered, kissing their foreheads.

after hours of tests and things, mackenzie laid one the hospital bed, holding her kids as she fed them. it was about 7 am now, she was tired but couldn't stop smiling. "you got names yet?" maddie asked, as mackenzie handed her daughter to maddie to burp.

"yes, but i gotta see how it goes you know. make sure it fits them." kenzie explained, then burped her son.



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liked by bitchyanns, maddiezieg, and 2,973 others kenz

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liked by bitchyanns, maddiezieg, and 2,973 others
kenz.frances i've never felt like this all my life. when i saw these beautiful babies, i knew they were the loves of my life. the first picture was them thirteen weeks ago, and now. meet my son and daughter, ivana james ziegler & jordan liam ziegler

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