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"wow, so you kissed him?" hayden was in shock.

"yeah, i'm sorry. it's just these hormones-" she shut up when hayden got up, pacing a bit. "i'm sorry, i was just caught up and-"

"is it because i moved? i didn't even want to buy it was a great opportunity-"

"no, no." mackenzie got up, "you did absolutely nothing wrong."

hayden just felt like he did do something wrong. what did i do wrong? does she not love me anymore? does she love him again?

"i'm gonna go for a jog." hayden said, grabbing his shoes.


"have a good flight back mackenzie, i don't know how i feel yet." hayden left, without another word.

mackenzies guilt pushed her to tell him. and now she doesn't know how to earn his trust back. she loves him. mackenzie looked in her purse, and pulled out the picture. an ultrasound.

three months later

"looks good ms. ziegler. you taking the prenatal vitamins normally?" her doctor asked.

"yes." mackenzie answered, sadly.

"what's wrong? please don't tell me too much stress-"

"well i'm pregnant, my fiancé broke up with me, i have to share custody with my ex and my children's father, and i might be thinking about starting another relationship with my kids dad." mackenzie rambled, finally catching her breath afterwards.

"can i recommend something?" mackenzie nodded, "try to not stress. please. work all that out. i had a similar situation and it's best if you worked it out. maybe not start a new relationship. the less stress, the better."

"thanks, that actually helped." mackenzie left, rubbing her belly on her way out. it was growing so much. like she popped over night. it was gonna be a baby boy. and if she was being honest, which she hasn't been with herself, she was terrified. especially last time she was pregnant. a late term pregnancy was so rare for her and yet it happened, she was afraid it would happen again.

"mommy? daddy's coming home soon!" jordan cheered, as mackenzie came into the house.

"yes baby, i know. go get your things." mackenzie said tiredly, locking the door. "where's your sister?"

"she's packing." jordan said, skipping off, "can i get some apple juice?" mackenzie nodded, allowing him to grab a juice box from the mini fridge.

"hey mommy!" ivana chirped, running into the kitchen as mackenzie poured herself some milk. "is johnny coming soon?" oh yeah, they met him.

two months ago

mackenzie nervously opened her front door. johnny was there waiting. "come in." she said, moving aside to let him in. awkward silence filled the room until mackenzie cleared her throat, "remember the rules."

"no talking about emily, no talking about us, no talking about anything sexual, involved some type of drugs and or alcohol-"

"is he here?" they heard jordan yell from upstairs.

"yes! come down!" mackenzie yelled, then they saw ivana and jordan run down.

"hi!" they both said in unison, so excited.

"hey guys!" johnny said back, nervously.

the night went on somewhat smoothly. the kids were so intrigued that johnny traveled all over the world to take pictures. that's all they asked. it was going much better than mackenzie thought. "johnny, can we call you that?"

"sure." johnny nodded. "i should get going."

"by johnny!" the twins cheered, waving bye as they went upstairs.

"that was, great." he sighed.

"why do you say as if it's a bad thing?" mackenzie asked.

"i'm their dad-" mackenzie gave him that look, "biological dad." he corrected, "i wish they wouldn't just cal me johnny."

"it's a step up from mr.orlando." mackenzie joked, "yes, you're their dad by genetics, but they don't see you as that. hayden is their dad."

"i know." it hurt johnny, why couldn't he have a perfect life like them? maybe if he chose mackenzie all those years ago- this could've been their life.


"daddy!" ivana squealed, running up to hayden right when he opened the front door. "you're home!"

"yes i am." hayden said, hugging her then jordan who ran into his arms. mackenzie walked over, rubbing her stomach. "hey kenz." hayden said, looking over.

"kids, why don't you go put daddy's stuff in the room for him?" mackenzie suggested. the twins nodded, taking his suitcase and backpack up the stairs.

"so? how's our little boy doing?" hayden asked, walking over to her.

"good." mackenzie said, "you can feel it." mackenzie pulled his hand over her belly, "he must know his daddy is home." he was kicking, as if he knew hayden was there. it brought a smile to hayden's face.

"wow." hayden was in awe.

after a while of the twins catching up with hayden as mackenzie made them dinner. "mommy! mommy!" ivana and jordan ran into the kitchen, pulling hayden with them.

"yes?" mackenzie laughed.

"daddy's moving back early!" jordan cheered.

"wow, really?" mackenzie glared at hayden. "you didn't tell me."

"well i convinced my boss to move me to the town over, i'll still be super close-"

"wait you're not living with us?" ivana pouted.

"oh, well, of course i am." hayden said, not sure but it out a smile back on ivana's face.

"ok, let's have dinner!"

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