chapter 4: Cato POV

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My stylist team were rushing around my room, getting me ready for the tribute dinner. It's like the Capitol is saying: Ha! we are going to make you fight to the death but give you a really good dinner so it's okay.

 It was about seven forty and Enobaria wanted us to get there about ten minutes early so we can intimidate the other tributes. We headed down to the dining hall. We weren't the first people there. District 1 and 3 were both here. They sat as far away as they could from each other. We went to go sit with one feeling the eyes of three on us. We were talking about to strategy while Glimmer flirted with me. She bites her lip and smiles at me. I wink at her. Glimmer isn’t very smart.

“Maybe we can train together?" She said hopefully. Clove looked at me when she asked this question. Her expression was exactly what I was thinking.

"No thanks, I train alone.” I spat. Clove looked satisfied and Glimmer looked upset. I can't train with her. She could find out me weaknesses and turn against me. I'm not stupid. 

The door opens and in comes a flood of noisy tributes, some crying, some have hungry expressions and some have no expressions at all. I felt myself scanning for Katniss. Stop! I think. What is with me? What is with this girl? Everyone sits down. I still can't find that girl. The one brave enough to volunteer for her sister, Blondie. It's pretty quiet now all waiting for Mr. Dictator to make an appearance. Katniss is still not here and neither is the boy. They can be killed for not coming tonight. They take it as an insult not to show up when Mr.prez is coming to give us a speech. Finally Katniss comes in with the boy. I realize that I was holding my breath, I exhale and my jaw drops a little. Katniss was breathe taking. She notices that I'm staring at her and I see her blush and look down. I saw her mouth curve up. Was she...smiling...?? Did I make her smile?

STOP! I think. She is my ENEMY. My competition and I wanted her. I wanted to hold her and make her smile. Stop. Stop. STOP! I will never be with her. This girl will either live or die and vice versa for me. But I will protect. Because she is better than all of this. Better than me.

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