Chapter 11 Cato POV

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We had the individual training sessions with the game makers today. I couldn't even focus. I keep thinking about Katniss and i's conversation. Did she have the same feelings for me or was she in love with lover boy? Today I wouldn't even get a chance to talk with her because we have to report back to our floors immediately. I was walking over to where my seat was and I saw her sitting with lover boy. He looked up at me as I was walking over, his jaw popping. I leaned down by Katniss who looked nervous.

"Good luck, Katniss." I tell her. She looks at me and gives me a slight nod. Better than nothing. She could've just ignored me but she didn't. I stood up and walked over to clove.

"Why do you even talk to that girl." clove says through her teeth. She had never liked Katniss. Hell she was wanting to take out her sister before she volunteered.

"Why does it matter?" I was trying to keep my cool.

"Because... SHE'S the enemy." she says, looking over at Katniss. Oh crap I didn't tell the others that Katniss had joined us.

"Clove, Katniss joined us. She is now a career." I say, firmly.

"She WHAT! Cato why didn't you ask us first if it was okay? Why didn't you ask me?" Raising her voice at my looking back to me. I could see the betrayal clove felt in her eyes.

"I don't need your permission on anything. So don't act like you my mom."

"Cato we are in this together, so I should have a say in this." she exhales loudly, rubbing her temples.

"In the end, we won't be doing this together. You know that. So don't bring up that excuse. You don't own me clove so just shut up about it."

"She better post a good number. Or she won't make it fifteen minutes." She was right, she won't make it fifteen minutes... she will stay alive for a lot longer. And clove won't lay a hand on her. Clove was called into the room which meant I was next. I would show them how good I was with swords and knifes and receive a high number. Clove had finished twenty minutes later. They hadn't even called my name yet but I was already in the room. I said my name, smirking at the idiots having a party. It was dead silence, all eyes on me. They held a steady gaze to the end. I thrashed my sword at the dummies neck, cutting the head off perfectly.

"That's enough." one of them told me. I dropped the sword, not bothering to put it backed and walked out. I didn't see Katniss when I came out so I just went straight to the elevator.

"How did you do?" Enobaria asked. 

"Fine I should get a high number" I say cocky.

"Good." That was the end of our conversation. It was about two hours later when Enobaria tells us to turn on the TV to hear our scores. Marble puts up an eight, and glimmer a six.

"Clove Ebert" Cesar says. It was dead silent in the room.

"Seven!" Clove wasn't happy.

"What! Why didn't I get an eight?" she demanded.

"They weren't impressed clove. I don't blame them." I say jokingly. She punches my arm. She laughs but gets serious when Cesar say my name. It felt like forever before he said my name.

"Nine!" I wasn't impressed but I wasn't angry about it either.

"Good scores you two."

"Now we just have to wait for Cato's girlfriend's score." clove sneers. Enobaria raises her eyebrow.

"What?" Enobaria asks.

"Cato asked the skinny Minnie from 12 to join us and she accepted." Clove answers smirking at.

"I told him she better get a good score or I'd kill her myself."

"She will get a good score." I say confidently. Katniss a good score I thought. She never practiced anything besides survival tips. I held my breath when Cesar moved onto District 12.

"Peeta Mellark" he says. "Eight!"

"You should have asked him to join us not fire girl." clove says in an 'I told you so' voice. I was honestly surprised with lover boys score. I wondered what his strength was.

"Katniss Everdeen" This was the moment all three of us have been waiting for.

"Eleven! Wow!" Cesar says. Huh? ELEVEN? That was the highest score out of all of us. Clove, just like when Katniss volunteered for Blondie was rewinding in shock.

"Whoa Cato you know how to pick em." Enobaria says astonished. I was still surprised when clove looked up at me and nodded. Saying yes to Katniss joining. What was Katniss's strength? I was extremely happy that she had accepted my invitation to join us. Now we can protect her and there was a good choice that they won't turn against me and her because she had outscored us all. Hell I was spittle scared. She never admitted any feelings toward me so she could turn against me and kill me. But at least she killed me and not someone else.

"I told you." I smirk at clove. "She's a fighter." and I smile at how true those words were.

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