chapter 21

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THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO ♥♥chasingtayls♥♥ Thank you for the fan and reading this story. It means slot to me!!! so don't forget this is her chappie!! lol


Authors note: I enjoyed my bday it was amazing!!! so many presents!!  

:D. okay so once I hit 100 votes I'll put up a CATO pov. and 110 a clove pov! so with out further a do chapter 21 !


Enjoy! :)))


I slowly stand up. Sean has his spear still pointed at me as if I was going to do something crazy.

"Follow me." Rue says turning and walking back into the brush. I didn't think I had much choice by the way Sean was looking at me. It was either follow her and get killed later or run and get killed now. I'd much rather get killed later so I followed her. Sean, enjoying being a body guard for Rue, shoves me to make me move faster. I turn to him and I stomp my foot on the ground, making him think I was going to hit him. He flinches. I smile. Having an 11 as a score was nice, I got to scare the hell out of people with lower scores. He glares at me but continues to walk, though this time he was walking slower behind me, probably not wanting to look like a coward again. I heard aloud gasp and some  twigs breaking.

"Is she okay? Did he hurt her?" someone asks. Peeta emerges from the forest and runs to me, pulling me into a big hug. He smelled like pine. He looks at me with worry.

"Are you okay? Where's Cato? He didn't hurt you did he cause I will- " He says all to fast.

"Yes I'm fine, I don't know where he is and no! He didn't hurt me!" He just killed two kids in front of me, I thought.

"Then why are you here, I mean it's not like I don't want you here, but I don't understand." He mumbles.

" I was kinda forced here actually. " I tell him pointing at Sean.

"Oh." he says smugly. "Well would you like something to eat? It's getting late now." He asks handing me stale bread and a little piece of a banana. I scarf it down. I had gotten use to the fancy foods here and now I don't have much to eat and I'm starving. We talked a little before he was softly snoring from where he was laying and I had dozed off too.


We awoke by the sound of two cannon shots. We all jump up looking around for each other. We were missing the two tributes from 5. Rue and Sean shouted their names looking around in the nearby forest. Only minutes after they left we hear Rue scream. Peeta and I take off into the direction that we heard The screaming. Please don't die Rue! Please don't die! Thorns were cutting my arms and face as we rushed to them. Sean is carrying rue towards us. is she hurt? I didn't see any wounds, but she was crying.

"What's wrong?" Peeta asks Sean.

"Go check it out yourselves." He points behind him. "I'm gonna take her back to camp." He continues on to the camp. I was the first to start walking over where he pointed us. I could smell the blood from here. As I get closer I see bodies. mangled, ripped apart, broken bodies. Blood everywhere. I step closer to see who was killed. I see blonde, bloody hair knowing exactly who they were.

The tributes from district 5.

Authors note: how was it?? Let me know how I'm doing!! leave a comment or vote!!!



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