chapter 27 Cato pov!!!

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Authors note: yeah I know I said that at 190 votes I'd put up a Cato pov but I needed to put up one now....I'm not a very patient person Lol. So yeah.

Enjoy. :))


"I don't think she is going to make it Cato." Rue cries.

"She will! She's a fighter! She has to make it!" I say tears running down my cheeks. God I can't lose her. Though I haven't known her for a long time... I can't live knowing she died when I told her, promised her that she wouldn't. I can't live with out her.

"Cato I'm sorry but I did everything I could. "

"That doesn't mean that she is going to die! Your not a doctor!"

"Well I can tell you this much, she lost a lot of blood that's why she is so pale, She hasn't been awake for four days, and her pulse is weaker and weaker each day."

"Yes but since her cannon hasn't gone off and she is still breathing, it means there is a fighting chance."

"I never said I would give up on her."

"I think she will stay alive." Lover boy says. God just shut up. Lover boy strokes Katniss's face. Now I'm angry.

"I told you not to lay a finger on her!" I yell at him. Sean readies his bow. I look over to him, glaring. He immediately lowers the spear.

"Cato number, one I don't care what you told me. Number two, she loves me to so if she does live and funds out you killed me you would never be forgiven." He says with confidence.

"She would never have to find out." I say hotedly.

"Stop! She can still hear us and you may be stressing her out." Rue says.

We don't say another word to each other.

"Katniss.... please wake up. I love you. Don't give up. Keep fighting. You hear me! Keep fighting!"I pleaded. Marvel walked up to me.

"I can't believe Clove killed Glimmer." His eyes red from lack of sleep. I guess Marvel and Glimmer had something.

" I really sorry man." I as still looking at Katniss.

"Yeah I am too....I am too. " He says distantly. I looked at him now.

"Are you alright?" I ask, concerned.

"yeah... i-i just need... to take a walk. Thanks for being there for me. When I need you." He says gratfully and walks off.

"No problem. " My voice muffles as I reading my head in Katniss 's hair.

"I love you." I whisper in her ear.

"I wish that you would wake up... get better... talk to me.... I miss hearing you talk you know." I fall asleep next to her. Hoping day 5 she would wake up.


I have nightmares through out the night. All about Katniss dying but dying different ways each time. I see her and Clove fight. Clove throwing a knife at her. Katniss stops breathing. Too much for me to handle. I wake you with a jolt. I look to Katniss moved to a safer spot... hidden better than if she was still by me. I look around I don't see Marvel. Guess he needs some alone time so I don't go looking for him. I was looking for the water container, so I can rinse off my face but I couldn't find it so I walked down to the river. Something startles me as I was washing my face... almost making me face head into the rocky bank.

The sound of a cannon. This is what everyone was expecting to hear. The sound that announced Katniss Dead.

"KATNISS! " I scream running back to the camp. Please don't be dead.

Authors note: okay so once I hit 190 votes I think I'm going to put up a Marvel pov... then at 200 a Cato pov and then at 210 Clove pov and I'm still thinking about it but at 220 I think a Peeta pov but idk I'll see how things go. :)))

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