Chapter 31 Cato pov!!!

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Authors note: jeez I think I'm going to change if from every ten votes a different pov to twenty Cuzco you guys hit those marks so fast I don't ever get to write from Katniss povs hahaha.

So this is a Cato pov than a Clove pov and then one from Peeta. I think Im going to do something evil. >:)

♥One more thing I have this very dedicated fan, ♥♥i_am_mexxx♥♥, she has been promoting my story on hers. Which is amazing so check out her story. I remember when I was struggling to get more people to read my story and I was about to give up but I was like whatever if no one reads it.....atleast I had fun writing it so since she is so nice I will do this for her. :) ♥

okay so enough chit chatting! Cato pov!


I crush lips on hers. I wasn't going to wait for her to say anything. I missed feeling her lips on mine. I was nervous by that point that she would shrink away. But She was just as needy as I was. I never felt so in sync with someone before. I have kissed a lot of girls but it never felt like this kiss could be our last like ours did. I hear someone cough. Lover boy.

"Get a room... Rue is still here." Jealousy all over his face as he glared at me. I pull back and look at Katniss face to see if I went to far. She is a red as a tomato and avoids eye Contact with me. So either she thought that I went a little to far with our kiss or she liked it... I have a feeling I won't know for a while.

"Sorry Rue. " Katniss mumbles, shifting her weight to where she was know sitting up. Her Hand brushing where Clove had cut her. She winced. It was now just a scar but I guess it was still sore. I wish she'd look at me. I haven't seen them in six days. She stands up a little wobbly. I steady her.

" Thanks." she mumbles. Her cheeks red again. Beautiful.

" Where is Marvel? " She asks looking around the camp. She looked like she knew this answer but that would be impossible because she was unconscious.

"Marvel is dead. I don't know if Clove killed him or not but I had found him the other night with cloves knife in his throat just like Glimmer." I tell her. She flinches. I had brought up a bad memory I guess. She now looks at me, very serious. Her piercing eyes. The Silver-gray color that I have missed so much.

"How long have I been out. " She whispers.

"Six days." Her eyes grow wide with shock.

"How am I still alive!" She exclaims.

"Well your sponsers sent you medical aid, Rue took care of you and I made you from drink water.... so I guess that's how your alive."

"No, I meant why didn't Clove just kill me." I flinch at her words.

"Did you... WANT to die?" I say appalled.

"No! I just don't understand why Clove kept me alive when all she had to do is put a knife in my

throat." I shake away the image she just gave me. Then she remembered something.

"She told me she had big plans for me in the end. " Some gasped at this.

"She won't touch you Katniss. I promise she won't hurt you. I'll make sure she won't."

"But Cato there are other ways to hurt me not just physically." I look at her as she buries her head on her knees. I hasn't thought about how I would be affecting her too if I died. I in the am going to hurt her the most.

Authors note: Two povs down. Two to go!!

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