chapter 30 Marvel pov!!!

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This chapter is dedicated to: ♥♥HarryPotterNut♥♥ She has already voted for all my chapters! that crazy!! Gosh, I really appreciate it! ♥♥HarryPotterNut♥♥ I don't anyone has ever voted for all my chapters! She is obviously nice, she'll vote for all your chapters in your story! Lol jk I don't know if she will do that to all your story's and I also think that she has to like the story inorder for her to vote for it.(so she likes my story!) :p Thanks


Authors note: Wow 230 votes! I guess I owe you a Marvel, Cato,Clove and peeta pov!

so now... Marvel pov!


"Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give an arm for?

Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for?

When they know they're your heart and

You know your were their armour And you would destroy anyone who Tried to harm her

But what happens when karma, Turns right around and bites you? And everything you stand for, turns on you, despite you?" ~Eminem, when I'm gone.

I slammed my fist hard into the tree. All I could think about is Glimmer. And her killer. Clove. Clove knew that I loved her yet she does something so selfish. And lucky Cato still gets his girl even when me and Glimmer were helping him so it was his fault she died-No it wasn't his fault how can I even think that? I look down in my hand. A knife. The same one that Clove used to Glimmer. I needed to do this... I needed to be with her again. I wanted to die the same way with or without clove killing me. You know I use to hate people who thought suicide is the answer to their problems, but now I understand. How the pain is just so unbearable that you would rather die than live through the pain. I get it now. Glimmer never deserved to die. I should have. I should have volunteered to get the fire wood. The one who was out there with Clove. The one who dies if I didn't beat Clove the on with a knife plunged into their throat. I look down at the gleaming knife. I could see my face in the reflection. I looked very different. I looked worn out, even a little aged. My eyes very a puffy red, glistening with tears. I was going to rejoin Glimmer wherever she is. I lift the knife. I take deep breathes. I had never been so scared in my entire life. My hands shake as I raised it to about throat level.

"I love you Glimmer. " The knife entering my throat. It didn't kill me instantly like I was hoping but my life did flash before my eyes. Tears stain my face as my chest falls. To never again breathe.

Authors note: hoped you liked it I wasn't feeling well so this was kinda shotgun sorry.

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