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 Authors Note: Okay, so this part I pretty much took from the book, so people who haven't read The Hunger Games could understand. I suggest if you have already read the books, skip this chapter.... There will be Cato POVS so you can see what he is thinking.  I hope you like my book! Comment/vote and let me know how I'm doing!!

 I don't own The Hunger Games.  :) All characters/ events belong to her... This is just a fan remix of the book.  

"Prim!" I scream, though my voice was drowned out by Effie's excitement at having a new tribute.

"Prim!" I scream louder. I could feel eyes on me now as I push through the crowd. I look for my sister and catch a glimpse of her long blonde braids as she looks for me in the crowd.  I see Peacekeepers shoving their way through the crowd towards me. I stretch my hand out to Prim and then I feel the cool, smooth touch of the Peacekeeper's guns as they shove me back.

 "NO!  THAT'S MY SISTER! PRIM!  I yell in the Peacekeepers face. The next words were out of my mouth before I even thought.  “I VOLUENTEER!   I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!"

"Katniss, no!" Prim sobs as Gale, my hunting partner/ best friend, lifts Prim up and carries her over to my stunned mother. My mother looked as if she wasn't able to process that this was really happening.  I look into the crowd as I slowly step up on the stage.  Many faces are filled with pity or show no emotion at all.

"Come on over here, Dearie!" Effie calls to me in her ridiculous Capitol accent. “What is your name young lady?"

I feel as if I'm about to fall over.  I felt numb.  I step over to Effie and she puts her hand on my shoulder.  I shrug it off.  She's acting as if this is a reward for me.

"K-Katniss Everdeen" I stutter. I zoned out after that.  The only thing I recall is Effie calling out Peeta Mellark's name. Anguish had flooded through my body at the sound of his name. He saved my life.  He was the boy with the bread; the one who gave me hope when all seemed lost.

My mother and sister came to visit me in the Justice Building.  Gale and Madge came to tell me goodbye and then we were loaded onto the train and we were on our way to our predetermined deaths.

The Hunger Games: A Change In HeartWhere stories live. Discover now