Chapter 16

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I woke up screaming. I felt someone tighten their arms around me.

"Katniss? Are you okay? "Peeta asks. He stayed with me? I feel tears pouring down my face. I tried to answer him but it sounded like I was being strangled, so I just nodded my head. He was playing with my hair.

"You don't....have to stay..." 

I struggle to say.

"I know, but I want to Katniss."

I look over at the alarm clock it was two am.

"Peeta you should get some rest...the games are tomorrow."

"Katniss, I want to be here. If I didn't I wouldn't stay."

"Why?" I ask him.

"Why what?"

"Why do you want to be here? After I ditched you."

"Katniss, first of all, you were doing what you had to. I was holding you back- "I cut him off.

"It's not like that you weren't holding me back. I just...I don't know...but you weren't holding me back."

"Second of all "Peeta ignoring what I said. "Cato isn't the only one who cares about you, who is willing to die for you. He beat me to the punch line- "I knew were this was going.

"Peeta, please don't say what I think you're going say."

"But Katniss I need to let you know how I feel."

"Peeta please stop. You are too late to tell me anything. You had more time then Cato did and he "told me how he feels" I say putting quotation marks with my fingers. 

"And I love him Peeta." Peeta looked defeated.

"You may not feel the same way as me but that doesn't change anything. I'll give you my life and heart but that's all I can give. It's all I have." He unwraps his arms and gets up, heading to the door.

"Peeta, you will always be one of my best friends. I'm sorry I can't return the same feelings to you, but I do love you just not the way you want. I love you as if you were my older brother. Always there to protect me but I do not love you in any other way."

"I know Katniss. Just friends and I love you too and not the way you want It." he says with a laugh. I feel the corner of my lip pull up. Peeta opens the door.

"See you in the arena, Katniss." and he closed the door behind him. I tried to fall back asleep for the remaining hours I have left.


"Katniss! Get up!" Effie shakes me.

"Who? What?" I say shooting up in my bed.

"You need to come down to breakfast and then go see Cinna. So up!"

"Okay, okay." I grab a t-shirt and sweat pants and slip them on walking down to the table. A huge breakfast was on the table. Eggs, Bacon, cinnamon buns, round things you put sticky brown stuff called syrup on and other pastries. I fill up my plate and dig in. Haymitch and Peeta walk down, and served themselves.

"Okay guys, the big day. Remember everything I told you two. Don't get sucked into the bloodbath and don't try to get a weapon when other tributes are around. Find water as fast as you can. Good luck you two. That is all I got to say. "Haymitch tells us as we get up from the table. Haymitch grabs my shoulders and squeezes before he pulls me into an awkward hug.

"Thank you, Haymitch. For everything." I saw. He nods and goes over to Peeta to give him a pat on the back. I follow Peeta out the door and we exchange a quick good luck to each other and I head to Cinna's room and knock on his door.

"Coming." He calls at the door. The knob jiggles and he opens the door. I walk up into his waiting arms.

"I don't want to die." I say to him.

"You won't die Katniss. You have the careers that are protecting you and Cato and Peeta ready to die for you. You won't die." he reassures me, pulling me to where a T-shirt with a 12 on the sleeve, and black pants and jacket. I quickly get changed. I had less than half an hour now before the games began. We walked to a room that had a glass tube in it.

"TEN MINUTES. "Time was going by way to fast.

"I'm scared Cinna." I admit "I'm not ready for this"

"You're not the only one Katniss. No matter how good they are at hiding it. They are all just as scared as you." 

I take a deep breath.

"I know something that will help." Cinna walks over to me and lifts the corner of my jacket. The mocking jay pin that prim gave me was clipped there. Tears came to my eyes. It was the greatest gift he could've given me.

"THREE MINUTES" The woman on the intercom says. I rush to Cinna.

"Thank you Cinna. For everything." I say hugging him.

"You're welcome Katniss. But I'm afraid that it is time for you to enter the glass tube. "I look over my shoulder, to the tube and I turn walking over to it. I entered it slowly.

"Good luck Katniss. Show them what the girl on fire can do." he says as the glass closes. I put my hand on the glass watching him disappear as I was lifted up. I'm blinded by sunlight for a quick second before I regain sight. We were to stay on the platform for sixty seconds. If you left to early you were blown to bits. I look over the tributes I see Peeta on the other side of me. He gave me a quick nod. I scan the rest for Cato. He was the farthest one away from me of course. He winks at me but then puts on an icy glare as the time ticks down. 25....24....23....22...21...20... I look over the arena. It was a forest. Perfect. It was almost as if I was home. The cornucopia was fifty feet away from us. 15..... 14.... 13... I see something silver. A bow. I look over at Peeta and he shakes his head as if telling me not to grab it. But I need it to win. I'm a fast runner. I'll grab it and go.

"10" a males voice says. I feel myself leaning forward.

"9" I look over at Cato and back at the bow, letting him know what I needed. He nodded at me and pointed to himself. Telling me that he would get it. I nod.






"3" I take a deep breathe.




Authors note: How'd did you guys like this chapter? Let me know!

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