chapter 20 clove pov!!

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Authors note: alrighty guys I probably won't update tomorrow.  


♥♥ it's my birthday!!!! ♥♥ :))

So I'll be a bit distracted!! But I'll update the day after so it's all good. :)) Well... I guess I should stop babbling and write cloves pov.



So Enjoy!

I looked at Cato. “Oh and we have some info on your girlfriend that you may not Like.” I say. He looks at me now. Worry all over his face. Ugh.

"Clove?" he says waiting for me. He clenched his jaw. This was just too easy... I would've told him she was dead and then find her and kill her myself but Marvel heard the news too.

"She is fine. She is safe and unharmed. Very protected." Marvel says to him. Cato looked relieved and then his face hardens. I gave him a curious look.

"Who is she with?" he asks grinding his teeth together. He knew the answer but he just wanted to hear it.

"Peeta!" I say happily trying to piss him off. It worked. His whole body was rigid.

"Lucky Katniss -" I continue. "She has big, gorgeous Peeta to look after her. I wish I was her. He probably has his arms around her right now. Comforting her, when the boy who told her he loved her and would protect her from the big bad careers and everything else is losing her with every minutes she is away with him. She is probably kissing him right now as we speak!" I say. I feel two hands around my neck. I was lifted off the ground and slammed against a tree. I gasped for air but none would come.

"You think you’re funny huh?" Cato's icy blue eyes looking into mine.

"I...d- do act...actually.” his grip tightens. I'm gasping for air. He throws me against a large rock. I hear a crack and immediate pain.

I scream out in anger as I try to get up but I can't. Marvel is over by Glimmer watching me struggle. He gives me a look of pity and walks away to Cato. I guess everyone likes Katniss more than me. Even Glimmer left me here.

Cato is going to wish he had never done that. I grab onto the lowest branch on the tree beside me and pull myself up. I walk over to where what was left of the supplies was. There was some rope and a piece of fruit. Cato made sure there wasn't any weapons left behind, but he didn't know about my favorite knife that was still hidden in my boot. I was going to give Katniss little surprise visit and I think I know exactly where she was.

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