chapter 19 cato pov!!

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Authors note: Cato pov!!! Sorry for not updating quicker!!

Enjoy :)

"KATNISS!” I call. Where is she? I told her to stay close, didn't I? 

"KATNISS!” I started thinking that someone killed her. Maybe I didn't hear her cannon. STOP! SHE didn't die. I think. She can't die, she was a fighter. How could I lose her? A tribute could be torturing her. I'd kill whoever it was. They would die a slow painful death. ,

"Cato we need move. She obviously isn't here. “Clove shouts from where she was sitting on a broken tree log. I nod and Marvel comes over to me.

"We'll find her Cato. Don't worry." He looked completely serious.

"We better because someone is going to pay." I couldn't think straight. I didn't like that she was away from me. Why did she go? Who forced her? I needed to know if she was okay. I hear the Capitol's anthem play. It was really already that late. I had just realized that it was dark. I seriously needed to get my head straight or I'd never find her. Marvel walks over to the cornucopia, gathering everything. I look over at clove, she was thinking very hard about something. I would have laughed by how constipated she looked but I remember that Katniss isn't here and I frown.

"What are you thinking about?" I say curiously.

"Huh, What? Nothing. I was just plan- “she stops abruptly and starts to walk away.

"Plan? Planning what?" I grab her elbow.

"Erm, a way to find Katniss.” she says, tugging her elbow back, storming off. I got a feeling that she wasn't telling me the truth.

"When Katniss dies, remember I'm single!" Glimmer says walking up to me, laughing. I never wanted to hit a girl so much before. She walks away grabbing Katniss's bow.

"Hey! That's not yours." I yell at her. She smirks.

"Then who's is it?" she asks. I promised Katniss I wouldn't tell anyone about her abilities with the bow. I didn't say anything. She smiled wickedly, her eyes glinting, and walks away, bow in her hand. I had an eerie feeling that she knew exactly whose it was. I clenched my jaw and went to help Marvel. I needed to find Katniss before I go crazy with guilt and worry. I promised her that I would protect her no matter what, even die for her and so far, I was breaking that promise.


I awoke to a cannon going off. I jumped straight up. Clove and Marvel were missing and Glimmer was sleeping near the fire that had already died out. I hear another cannon go off.

"Clove! Marvel! “I yell.”clove!" I walk around our camp out. "Marvel!" I walk deeper into the forest, yelling their name. I hear someone laughing and I pull out my sword. I see two figures moving towards me. I slowly move were I could get a look at them. It was Clove and Marvel. I sigh with relief and I step out of where I was, walking to them.

"Where were you guys? I heard the cannons-"

"Aw, did you think we were dead?" clove says mockingly. I push her and sigh.

“Obviously we didn't die but the two from six did. They were trying to sneak away with some off our gear and clove woke up killing one and waking me up. We chased down the girl and retrieved our stuff." Marvel says smiling.

“Oh and we got some info on your girlfriend that you may not like." I didn't like how that sounded.

Authors note: cliff hanger!!! I love doing that to you guys haha. Next chapter clove pov!!

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