Chapter 5

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Why was the boy tribute from two staring at me? I noticed that he kept looking over in my direction. He is probably weighing if I'm going to be a threat or not. 

"Welcome. You all have been chosen to represent you District in this years 74 annual Hunger Games." says a raspy voice. President Snow. The man responsible for all the starvation back in twelve. The man responsible for Prim looking so skinny recently. I hate him....I could kill him.

He continued talking for about five minutes and then left. I could feel someone's eyes on me. I look and see no one looking at me.hmmm. Strange...

"Katniss?" Haymitch calls. I snap back to reality after being in deep thought. 

"Who? What?" I say.

"Katniss, stop going off to lala land. The dinner is over." He says. How can it be over wasn't snow just talking to us about how great the Capitol is? I look up at the big clock on the wall. It was nearly ten! Again I felt eyes on me again. I look around until I find out who is staring at me....Cato.... I blushed and looked down as he comes over to me.

"Looking good." he says to me with a wink. My jaw drops as he walks past me.

Authors note: I know this was a small one but I had some things happen to where I wasn't able to update as quick and write as long but the next chapter will be better I promise. 

The Hunger Games: A Change In HeartWhere stories live. Discover now