chapter 22

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I was feeling very dizzy. The blood, the bodies, Peeta shaking me when I didn't answer him. I just zoned out. I shouldn't have left cato because this was probably them that did it. I could have prevented it... saved

"Katniss! Are you okay?" Peeta yells at me. He was screaming my name over and over till I heard a new voice.

"Get the hell away from her."

"Who is that?" I asked Peeta. I see Peeta stumble back a little. 

"Cato. " He hisses. "Are you okay katniss? " He asks me again.

"yeah...just a little stunned." I reassure him. I look over at Cato. it was already two days since I had seen him and I missed him. I felt him wrap his arms around me. I instantly feel safe.

"I told you get away from her! Marvel..." Cato says. Marvel, knife in hand, rushes towards Peeta. Marvel looked disappointed when he couldn't catch Peeta.

"CATO! MARVEL STOP!" I scream. it was a good thing Peeta was quick. Marvel gives up on going after Peeta, who has now ran into the thick forest. Marvel heads back to Cato and I, but his attention is on me.

"Where have you been." Marvel scolds. I liked Marvel. He was like a big Teddy bear at times, but he was still a blood thirsty killer. But in these games there is no escape from that,  but there was no way  I could have let Peeta die.

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