chapter 28 cato pov!!!

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Authors note: This is going to be another Cato pov because who else am I going to do a pov from... I hope you like it. >:)


"KATNISS! " I scream running back to camp. Everyone is up, gathered around Katniss.

"Oh God, no...nooo. She can't be dead." I drop to my knees and slam my fist on the ground.

"Cato." Rue says smiling. Is she happy she is dead? What if she was the one who ended up killing her? She would be the first to die.

"Cato, she's not dead... it was someone else's cannon. " She says again her smile getting bigger. I stand up and walk over to Katniss to see if it was true. I see her chest rise and fall. I even see some color back in her cheeks. I sigh, relieved.

"Oh God." I say. She will live another day. Well who died then. There was only Katniss, Marvel, Me, Rue, the kid with the spear, Peeta, Thresh and Clove. Seven tributes left. I Guess we will just have to wait till the anthem comes on tomorrow night. I grab a hold of Katniss 's hand. I look at her face and I swear that she had smiled but I could have been hullucinating. It was dark out so maybe I was just seeing things. I stood up after everyone had calmed down and fell back asleep to go look for Marvel. He still hasn't come back yet and I thought he would have by now because the cannon went off but hadn't. It was so dark I almost fell like three times. Stupid damn forests. I had walked north of the camp about a ten minute walk when I find out who actually made the cannon go off earlier.


Authors note: hahaha did I make you guys think that Katniss died? That was my master plan! >:) so how did Marvel die if I get up to 190 I'll do it from his pov!!!

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