Chapter 6

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Effie was rushing around my room that morning telling me to get up.

“Tonight is where you get a good portion of your sponsors." she tells me. "It's time you meet Cinna!" she says excitedly. As if on cue this man walks in. He is different from all the other Capitol people. He isn't wearing ridiculous clothing or looking at me like I was dirt. He held his hand out to me. I shake it.

"Hello, I'm Cinna." He says ending the handshake.

"Katniss." I say.

“I know who you are." He says laughing. I smile a little.

“Are you here to make me pretty?" I say questioningly.

"No. I'm here to help you make an impression." He says sincerely, brushing my hair. Like he actually means it and wants me to win. After what feels like forever but was really only 2 hours, he is done. He hands me a mirror. My jaw drops slightly. I look beautiful. My hair has elegant braids in it tied up into a bun. I was in black leather. We are supposed to resemble some part of our District in our costume for our chariot ride tonight. What was I supposed to be?

"This is different from any other clothing you've ever warn before. Don't be afraid." he says concerned. Why would I be afraid of wearing clothes? He sees the look on my face. “We are going to light you on fire. But it is not real fire." He tells me leading me out of my room to the elevator and out to the stables. I spot Peeta dressed in the same thing as me. District 1, 2, 3 and 4 have already left on their chariots the crowd going crazy.

 I guess I dazed off because Cinna came up to me and asked me if I was ready. He turned a knob on my suit and it came ablaze. He did the same to Peeta's suit.

Cinna came back over to me and whispered “you are now the girl on fire." he steps back grinning. I laugh.  

"Good luck." he says to us walking away as Haymitch comes to give us quick tips.

"Wave, smile and bat your eyes." He says walking towards the beer cart.

I take a deep breath as we join the other districts through the crowd that will be in control of our lives.

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