01 [re-written]

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Hey everyone. If you haven't already read this story and don't know what's going on I've put this to explain. I wrote this story in March 2020 (a guess it could be anytime last summer) and I left it discontinued. However, it's been a while since then and I've decided to re-write all of the story. It may not follow the same story line it originally was going to have. So if the chapter has [re-written] next to it, then as you can guess, it has been re-written. I haven't read this story for ages so, if you read after the rewritten parts it will be the old story line which is completely different to the one I have planned. So it most likely won't make sense, so it's basically two diffrent story's. I'm trying to update as much as I can. :)) I hope you enjoy 😉

The bell rang and Richie ran to the bench outside of school. Eddie came out of school with Stan and bill.

"Hey guys" Richie said as he got up from the bench.

"H-hey Richie." Bill said blushing.

"You look happy." Richie punched Bills shoulder.

Bill looked at his shoes. "Some one m-might if asked me o-out."

Richie smirked. "Let me guess, Beverly?"

"No." Bill laughed. "S-Stan asked m-me out."

Richie looked surprised. "Wait your gay?" Richie tried to stop himself from laughing.

Stan stepped forward. "See Bill this is why we shouldn't of told Richie."

"He d-deserved to know" Bill avoided eye contact.

"I'm not laughing because your gay, I'm laughing because guess who owes me $10 now?" Eddie grabbed a ten dollar note from his pocket and hands it to Richie.

"Wait you guys were bidding on us?" Stan said.

"Well , it's kinda obvious that you guys liked each other." Eddie says while looking at Bill.

"And Ed's thought you had a thing for Beverly"

"Don't call me Ed's."

"Okay" Richie stayed quiet for a few seconds, "You like Edward better?"

"Fuck of Richie" Eddie grabbed his bike and sat on the seat. "We still meeting at the quarry tomorrow?"

"Um m-me and Stan h-had something planned s-sorry."

"Oh okay." Eddie replied. He stepped his foot onto the pedal and was about to leave when the realisation hit him, "You guys are leaving me alone with trashmouth?!"

"Unfortunately, yes." Stan gave Eddie a sarcastic apologetic expression.

Richie placed his hand on Eddie's and placed his hand over his chest. "Oh Ed's I'm not that bad. Right?" He opened his eyes wide and made a sad expression.

"Yes, you really are." Eddie pushes off Richie's hand and starts to pedal away. The rest of the losers following behind. Bill and stan were talking all the way back with Richie interrupting every now and then to make a joke: about either Sonia or something inappropriate. Eddie, if he heard, would reply telling Richie to shut up or that he was gross. He would of been paying more attention to the conversation if he wasn't thinking about something in particular.

Why did I push his hand off?
That sentence keep repeating over and over again. Eddie has had the biggest crush on Richie since the 3rd grade. Bill and Stan were the only ones who new about it. He wanted to tell the others but he couldn't, it's not that he didn't trust them, he's told them all about his problems before if it was relevant and he's dreamt about telling everyone but it always ends out horribly and he wakes up crying and shaking. So he'd rather to keep it to himself even if it means living the rest of his life all alone because he can't get over this one boy from when he was 14.

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