10.tag you're it

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Richie had woken up before Eddie. He went downstairs to start cooking breakfast, when he heard a song playing outside. A lullaby, the ice cream truck. Richie was in love with ice cream. So he grabbed his wallet and ran near the sound. The truck slowed down and a man appeared out of the window.

"Hi kid" the man was about 40. He had a small stubble and a weird smile.

"Hi can I have two Oreo ice creams?"

"Sure" the man disappeared and Richie could hear mumbling. The man came back out and Richie handed him the money. He got his change and the ice creams. Richie waves good bye and started to walk home.

The truck started following him. The lanky boy didn't think anything of it, maybe he was just going to make a turn soon. But the van never did. Richie got to his house and shut the door. He ran upstairs and sat on his bed, waking Eddie up.

"Bubba....are you ok you seem out of breath" Eddie said.

"I went out side to get a ice cream from the ice cream truck and the van started following me" Richie replied.

"Your probably being paranoid Chee"

Then the door opened. A voice called from down the stairs.

"You want some ice cream?" The voice was deep and Richie knew who it was.

"Get under the bed" Richie instructed.

Eddie also knew who it was. "No I'm not going to let them get you again"

"Yes, do it"

"No" Eddie refused.

"Come on it's only two dollars!" The voice called from downstairs.

"We need to escape" Richie jumped off the bed and ran to the window. "Jump" He said.

"Hell no" Eddie said.

"We have to" Richie then opened it and jumped out landing on his feet then falling over. "Come down!" He yelled.

"No!" Eddie ran away from the window and crawled under the bed.

"He escaped" the voice said. Soon Eddie heard the voice run out the door. He got out from under the bed and saw Richie running across the parking lot.

Richie's pov🚬

How did he find me? I was gone for two months and I moved house twice. When Eddie disappear from the window I waited. I didn't want the to get him. But then I saw the man from the ice cream truck run out side the house. I started to run across the parking lot. But he followed me in his van.

"Want to play a game?" The voice said. "How about tag, you're it"

"Stay away from me you creep" I yelled. I tried taking multiple short cuts but the van was faster. I turned around for a second and I saw him looking at me through his window. Red lines started to appear on his face. He got out of the van and started running towards me. He started to chase me.

It was Pennywise. That fucking clown. In the shape of Dr Brenner. Now I'm fucking panicked. I thought it was Brenner but guess not.

"Tag you're it!" He kept telling. Soon he caught up and jumped on me , pinning me to the floor. He grabbed my hand and pushed me down. We were in the woods and it was empty. No one to save me. "Enny minny myni mo"

I kicked him with my free leg and he loosened up around my wrist. I was able to get free. I started running away and I made it back home. I ran upstairs and there was no sign of Eddie. I heard something from the basement and I ran towards it.

"Eddie?" I said.

"Here Bubba" Eddie came out from behind the stairs and hugged me. Then out of nowhere a light started flickering from upstairs. "Is he gone?"

"Eddie it's not Brenner, it's-" I was interrupted by something shining in my eye. I blocked it with my hands and I went to turn around to tell Eddie everything but He wasn't there. I turned back to the light, forgetting to put my hands up and then I felt everything go away. The background and how I felt, my breathing, my thinking. All I heard was a voice telling me.

It's back.

No pov
"Richie wake up!" Eddie said shining a flash light at him. Richie opened my eyes and sat up. His breathing was really heavy. "Are you ok Bubba?"

"I just had a bad dream"


A/n short chapter , thoughts?

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